Causes of World War One
The fear of Communism, as a result of the overthrow of the government in Russia and random bombings by anarchists.
1st Red Scare.
This gave women the right to vote. Suffrage means vote.
19th Amendment
Tight money policy and the Stock Market Crash
High Tariffs
Causes of the Great Depression
A policy set forth by President Truman saying the USA would provide assistance to free peoples resisting Communism. This provided $400 million in aid to Turkey and Greece.
Truman Doctrine
Machine Guns
Chemical Warfare
German submarines (U-boats), Airplanes and
Washington Naval Conference
Dawes Plan
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Four Power Treaty
Foreign Policies designed to keep the United States
An African American progressive who supported segregation and demanded that African Americans better themselves by achieving vocation skills and this would eventually lead to basic human rights.
Booker T. Washington
Purchasing money with a little money down with the promise of paying the balance at sometime in the future.
Buying on Margin
A U.S. program of economic aid to the countries of Western Europe to help them rebuild their economies and restore trade with the USA.
Marshall Plan
2 reasons why the United States entered World War One.
1) Germany resumed with unrestricted submarine
2) Zimmermann Note or Telegram
Sacco and Vanzetti
He strongly disagreed with Booker T. Washington. He believed African Americans should demand their rights NOW! African Americans should NOT accept an inferior social status.
W. E. B. Dubois
A situation in which many depositors all decide to withdraw money from a bank at the same time.
Bank Run
This was a Soviet attempt to starve our allies in Berlin in order to gain supremacy. This was a high point in the Cold War, and it led to the Berlin Airlift.
Berlin Blockade
The process of assembling troops and supplies in preparation for War.
Britain, Italy, Japan, France and the USA agreed to limit the size of their navy to a 5-5-3 ration.
Great Britain 5
Japan 3
Washington Naval Conference
The legal prevention of the manufacturing, selling or transporting alcoholic beverages in the USA.
Prohibition or the 18th Amendment
The famous Dust Bowl Image of a mother and her children. The mother sold the tires off her car so that she could feed her children.
Migrant Mother
A group of countries that guaranteed the countries of Western Europe that they would be protected against Soviet attack by the United States and their allies.
North Atlantic Treaty Organization or NATO
These were sold by the government to raise money and help pay for the war effort.
War Bonds
A plan to revive the German economy and stabilize Europe. The USA loans money to Germany. Germany pays reparations to Great Britain and France. Great Britain and France pay back their loans to the USA. The circular flow of money was a success.
Dawes Plan
He advocated the mass migration of African Americans go "Back to Africa". He believed that "Black is Beautiful" and that all people of African heritage should take pride in their race.
Marcus Garvey
Thousands of World War One Veterans who insisted on immediate payment of their bonus certificates, marched on Washington in 1932; violence ensued when President Hoover ordered their tent villages cleared.
Bonus Expeditionary Force
The practice of accusing people of treason without proper evidence. This person accused people of being Communist without evidence. This happened during the 2nd Red Scare.
Joseph McCarthy or McCarthyism