What are the two distinct types of wildland fires?
Wildfires and prescribed fires.
What is the elevation range of the Montane Ecosystem?
7,500 ft to 9,500 ft
What is one advantage of periodic fires?
They help maintain hazards at low levels, protecting against severe wildfires.
What is the goal of the fire management program?
To protect people, communities, and nature.
What is a prescribed fire and who starts it?
A prescribed fire, or controlled burn, is a planned ignition started by park managers.
What type of fire regime characterizes montane grasslands?
Montane grasslands experience low-intensity fires with a fire regime of 20-30 years.
How do periodic fires benefit plant growth?
They create open spaces that allow new growth.
What are the two main parts of the fire management plan?
Fuels management and wildfire response.
What factors must be considered in the planning of a prescribed fire?
needed resources, number of acres burned, weather, topography, and fuel conditions.
How does the fire regime of the subalpine ecosystem differ from that of the montane ecosystem?
The subalpine ecosystem has very infrequent, high-intensity fires, often occurring once in a century or more, while the montane ecosystem experiences more frequent fires (20-30 years).
How do coyotes benefit from wildfires?
Coyotes as generalist species can easily move in and out of burned areas and use cleared spaces for spotting and chasing prey.
What does fuels management do?
It reduces hazardous fuels using fire and thinning.
How can prescribed fires help prevent large wildfires?
It reduces fuel in an area, reduces the risk of large fires, and supports fire-dependent ecosystems.
Why do mixed conifer forests rarely burn, and under what conditions do they burn?
Mixed conifer forests are found on moist, north-facing slopes, which makes them less likely to burn. They only burn under severe drought conditions.
What things are important in wildfire decisions?
Safety, nature, laws, and culture.
What affects wildfire response decisions?
Safety, environment, laws, and cultural values.
What is the initial response to a human-caused fire in the park?
Fire suppression is the least costly with the least negative consequences for firefighters and public safety.
Why is the impact of fire on the Alpine ecosystem low?
Because it has cool and humid conditions.
What are the three main priorities in fire management?
Safety, protection, and restoration.
What are the three goals of the Fire Decision Framework?
Safety, protection, and ecosystem restoration.