What is a wildfire?
A wildfire is an unplanned fire that burns a natural area such as a forest, grassland, or prairie.
Name one type of forest fire.
Name a natural cause for a wildfire
What are the foir main causes of some wildfires?
Heat, oxygen, some type of fuel, and water vapor.
WHat are the four wildfire help agencies?
Fish and wildlife service
National Park Service
The Bereau of land managment.
What is Oxygen?
Its a naturally occurring element needed for igniting and sustaining a fire.
What does a wildfire warning mean?
alert issued by authorities to inform the public about increased wildfire risk or the presence of an active wildfire in the area.
Name a man-made cause for a wildfire
Arson, neglected campfires, neglected sigmarettes, mechanical malfunctions, etc.
What is the main greenhouse gas that wildfires emit?
Carbon Dioxide/CO₂
How does USDA help?
They manage public lands in the form of national forest and grasslands, provide Technical and financial assistance to state, private, and tribal Force agencies and make up the target Force research organization in the world.
Which phrase from Smokey the Bear is correct?
"Only you can prevent forest fires."
"Only you can prevent wild fires."
The answer is...both! The two of these phrases have been used by Smokey the Bear throughout time.
What does a wildfire watch mean?
When there is a chance of a wildfire it prepares you for when/if it occurs.
Most man-made wildfires are __________.
Wildfires emit lots of smoke, but how damaging is it?
VERY damaging, the smoke emitted from fires is a lead cause of physical damage caused by wildfires.
About how many wildfire refugees does the Fish and Wildlife service have?
More than 560
Whats the red powder that they dump on forest fires?
Fire Retardant
IF there is a fire warning, how should you evacuate?
If you have small children, pets, or anything time consuming, then ecvacuate earlier than others.
What do wildfires need to form? (science wise)
Mostly caused by human activities such as campfires being unattended, arson, disguarded, sigmaretts, and more
Wildfires need lots of things to form, but what causes them to spread?
Wind, vegetation, and any other fuel
The Bereau of Land Managments mission is to what?
sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations.
Who prevents wildfires?
you, firefighters
What is a crown fire?
A fire that spreads from treetop to treetop
Wildfire smoke is a mixture of what?
Hazardous air pollutions, such as PM 2.5, ozone, aromatic hydrocarbons, or lead.
In 2018, a large wildfire made its mark on almost the entire town of Paradise, California. How many people lost their lives due to this fire?
86 people
How many visitors does the National Park service have every year?
More than 318 million.