This tall plant grows in forests and has leaves, branches, and a trunk
What is a tree?
This animal can change its color to blend into its surroundings
What is a chameleon?
This is the tallest animal in the world
This black-and-white bear from China eats mostly bamboo
This very hot, dry place has lots of sand and few plants
This green plant covers large areas of land and is soft to walk on
What is grass?
Ducks have these on their feet to help them swim
Webbed feet
This striped black-and-white animal looks like a horse
This large striped cat is the biggest member of the cat family
This very cold place has polar bears and lots of ice
A forest with lots of rain and many animals is called this
What is a rainforest?
In winter, an arctic fox’s fur changes to this color
The fastest land animal in the world
This big orange ape from the rainforest is losing its home due to deforestation
Cacti store water in this part of their body to survive in the desert
This tree loses its leaves in the fall and grows them back in spring
What is a decidous tree?
This desert animal stores fat in its hump to survive without water for a long time
This animal is known for its very slow movements and lives in trees
This African animal is hunted for its horn
These trees grow in salty water near the ocean and protect the land from waves
Bamboo is a type of this
Name a type of grass
This small animal "plays dead" when it feels threatened
This bird is the only one that can fly backward
This small ocean animal, called the vaquita, is the rarest marine mammal
Penguins live in this cold part of the world