"_____ Factors" describe the non-living components of an ecosystem.
Abiotic Factors
"______ Species" are those that may be hunted or trapped (often referred to as consumptive use) according to wildlife regulations for seasons and limits.
Game Species
The introduction of the house sparrow and European starling had a devastating effect on North American cavity nesting birds. These introduced species are examples of "______"
Invasive Species
The movement of mammal species to higher elevations to find cooler habitats and the migration of birds earlier in the year, are just two examples of the ways that species might respond to "_________"
Climate Change
The movement of animals – usually periodic round trips – that may be from breeding to nonbreeding areas or to and from feeding grounds.
Phytoplankton and bacteria are examples of these types of organisms.
Single-celled organisms
"_______" involves sending sounds out into the environment and listening for the echoes of those sounds as they “bounce” off objects.
The management of a National Forest, which is carefully maintained as a timber resource, would be an example of...
Species which are introduced by humans, kept domestically, and released or escape can be referred to as...
During reproduction, the genes for traits that are advantageous to survival are passed onto the offspring. This process is called...
Natural Selection
The greenway of natural vegetation along streams and rivers is known as a "______ Buffer"
Riparian Buffer
Species that provide insight to the health of an ecosystem by their presence (or absence) and health are known as...
The buildup of a toxic chemical in the tissues of a single individual to a harmful level.
Species that have spread from their native or introduced range over time and have established breeding populations in a place where they did not naturally occur, are referred to as...
Some otherwise harmless species have adapted to look or act like species that have defenses against predators, such as the Scarlet King Snake (non-venomous) looking very similar to the Eastern Coral Snake (venomous). This is known as...
A relationship in which one organism benefits and the other organism is harmed
Many species of birds have a "______", which is a pouch in the esophagus where food can be stored temporarily.
This act enforces an 11% excise tax on hunting equipment, which in turn is used for habitat conservation and research.
Pittman-Robertson Act of 1937
"________" species are those that, when protected, often result in the conservation of numerous other species in their habitat. These species usually have large home ranges and are typically less charismatic, but their protection often leads to preservation of sizeable tracts of land.
"______" animals are those active at dawn or dusk.
Quality and quantity of food, water, shelter, predation, and disease, are all examples of "________"
Limiting Factors
A translucent third eyelid that allows many amphibians, as well as some fish, reptiles, birds, and mammals, to protect their eyes when underwater while still maintaining full visibility.
Nictitating membrane
A method being used to control insect pests that attempts to consider environmental protection in addition to effective pest control.
Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
The first large-scale federal wildlife protection law in the United States. This law makes it illegal to sell, acquire, purchase, import, or export fish, wildlife, or plants taken, possessed, transported, or sold, in violation of federal or tribal law.
The Lacey Act of 1900
"_____" species live underground. This protects them from predators and aids in thermoregulation.