What date are Haley and Will getting married?
June 14th
What is Haley’s favorite type of alcohol
TEQUILA (if you got this right, you can help yourself to a taste of this lovely beverage)
What is the name of the wedding venue?
What are Englewood Estates
Haley (and Will) like their steaks cooked to this level of rarity/temp
What is the first thing Haley’s drinks every morning?
Who is technically older, Haley or Will??
What is Haley’s favorite article of clothing? like what type
A ~cozy~ sweatshirt
Haley and Will have been abroad to 2 countries together. Name these two countries (Hint, they border each other and both played significant roles in WW2)
France and Germany
While at Centre, Haley and Will had a favorite “Italian” restaurant that the frequently enjoyed. What is the name of this restaurant (It was there for all 4 years of college)
If there were no obligations the next day, who would stay up later, Haley or Will?
When is their birthday?
April 5th
Ideally, how many children would they like to have?
Where was their first apartment together?
Haley’s favorite type of sweet treat (think broad)
Dark chocolate!!!!
Who gets up first in the morning, Haley or Will?
What is their engagement date?
April 13th
Where did she think she was going before the proposal?
Copper and Oak
Haley found her wedding dress in this city
What is Louisville, KY
Haley and Will shared a box of these French delectable at the top of the Eiffel Tower during their trip abroad.
This specific genre and era of music is enjoyed by both Haley and Will when they get back late (at night), especially post bar hopping
Prime and 2000s Country
What day was (is) our dating anniversary?
April 12
An exclusive membership to this store is something that both Haley and Will cherish, which has led to a fun spending habit
Will’s hometown Sandersville, GA and Haley’s hometown (Lets say Danville for simplicity sake) are approximately how far apart in driving hours? Round to a whole number
This restaurant was our favorite burger joint in Nashville.
ML Rose
Haley’s least favorite household activity that Will enjoys at the end of the day is…
Watching tv (show, movie, sports, etc)