Quantitative Data
Qualitative Data
Types of Research Designs
Within Research Designs
This is a group of individuals who have the same characteristic.
What is a population?
Researchers intentionally select individuals and sites to learn or understand the central phenomenon in this type of sampling method.
What is purposeful sampling?
In this type of research design, you test an idea to determine whether it influences an outcome or dependent variable.
What is experimental research design?
This is the process of assigning individuals at random to groups or to different groups in an experiment.
What is random assignment?
These are declarative statements in quantitative research in which the investigator makes a prediction or a conjecture about the outcomes of a relationship.
What are hypotheses?
This is the total of the scores divided by the number of scores.
What is a mean?
This is the process of corroborating evidence from different individuals, types of data or methods of data collection in descriptions and themes in qualitative research.
What is triangulation?
In this type of research design, investigators use the correlation statistical test to describe and measure the degree of association between two or more variables or sets of scores.
What is the correlational research design?
These are problems in drawing correct inferences about whether the covariation between the presumed treatment variable and the outcome reflects a causal relationship.
What are threats to internal validity?
These are interrogative statements that narrow the purpose statement to specific questions that researchers seek to answer in their studies.
What are research questions?
This is the score that appears most frequently in a list of scores.
What is the mode?
These are subquestions under each question that the researcher asks to elicit more information. They are used to clarify points or to have the interviewee expand on ideas.
What are probes?
This research design is a systematic, qualitative procedure used to generate a theory that explains, at a broad conceptual level, a process, an action or an interaction about a substantive topic.
What is a grounded theory design?
The process of selecting individuals so each individual has an equal chance of being selected.
What is random selection?
This is a subgroup of the target population that the researcher plans to study for the purpose of making generalizations about the target population.
What is a sample?
This indicates the dispersion of scores around the mean.
What is the variance?
In this process, a researcher hires or obtains the services of an individual outside the study to review different aspects of the research.
What is an external audit?
This type of research design is a procedure for collecting, analyzing and "mixing" both quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study or a series of studies to understand a research problem.
What is a mixed methods research design?
These are problems that threaten our ability to draw correct inferences from the sample data to other persons, settings, treatment variables and measures.
What are threats to external validity?
This is a characteristic or attribute of an individual or an organization that (a) can be measured or observed by the researcher and that (b) varies among individuals or organizations studied.
What is a variable?
This occurs when the researcher fails to reject the null hypothesis when an effect actually occurs in the population. The probability of this error rate is called "beta".
What is a type II error?
This is an observer who visits a site and records notes without becoming involved in the activities of the participants.
What is a nonparticipant observer?
This type of research design is a qualitative research procedure for describing, analyzing and interpreting a culture-sharing group's shared patterns of behavior, beliefs and language that develop over time.
What is an ethnographic design?
A type of grounded theory design that emphasizes the use of data analysis steps of open, axial and selective coding and the development of a logic paradigm or a visual picture of the theory generated.
What is the systematic design?
This is an attribute or characteristic expressed in an abstract, general way, whereas a variable is an attribute or characteristic stated in a specific, applied way.
What is a construct?