TV Shows
You Had to Be There
Video Games
Fun Facts

This crime drama staring Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul is arguably one of the greatest TV shows ever made

What is Breaking Bad?


People will often shout "Get a room!" at people who are a little too affectionate in public, however I never expected this room to be used for sexual intercourse

What is Practice Room L?


While too much has changed for me to consider myself a fan, this 2009 video game sparked my love for video games

What is Minecraft?


Emperor Kuzco and Pacha are the main protagonists in my favorite Pixar film

What is the Emperor's New Groove?


Back in 2020, I thought it would be a good idea to get as many flavor variants of this citrus flavored soda as humanly possible and try every single one of them

What is Mountain Dew?


I consider this show to be one of the unfunniest pieces of media known to man and I am baffled that one of the characters got his own spinoff series

What is The Big Bang Theory?


Someone thought that tacos in a bag was a good idea during this event

What is rehearsathon?


The seventh installment of this popular RPG is considered the most culturally significant, however I much prefer the one released three years later on the same platform

What is Final Fantasy IX?


While I consider the follow up to this movie to be one of the most boring films I've ever had to endure, this timeless classic from 1982 is still my favorite movie of all time

What is Bladerunner?


I have 34 of these, and even though I wear one every day, I don't think you've seen every single one

What are baseball caps?


I'm still waiting for part 7 of this very bizarre series 

What is Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?


Nothing could have prepared me for the several hour lockdown that happened right after the band breakfast my sophomore that was caused by this

What is a bomb threat?


This 2004 first person shooter is what taught me how to use a mouse and keyboard to play video games

What is Half-Life 2?

This 2004 horror film never did too well in the box office, but I still consider it to be one of the most creative horror films/franchises to date

What is Saw?


For some reason as a kid, I was able to identify all 44 of these men by their pictures alone

Who are the U.S. Presidents?


This cartoon that aired on Nickelodeon from 1991 until 1995 is arguably my favorite Nick cartoon 

What is Ren and Stimpy?


Superman might be strong enough to bend a steel bar, but I was strong enough to bend one of these just hours before marching MPA

What is a sousaphone neck?


The isometric games may be a little too dated for my tastes, however this doesn't stop me from having hundreds of hours on the games from this franchise

What is the Fallout Franchise?


I've seen crybabies call this film "outdated" and "racist". I call this 1974 western comedy "The funniest movie I've ever seen" 

What is Blazing Saddles?


I often forget my time of birth is actually around 6PM Central Time because I was born in this Florida city

What is Pensacola?


Events happen in real time in this action drama which makes it one of the most creative shows I've ever watched

What is 24?


Someone called Golden Corral "The Land of Diabetes" on the way home from this field trip

What is Marine Lab?


This game never left the United States until a long overdue remake in 2022 was made for Nintendo Switch

What is Live a Live?


I consider modern movies to be terrible, however this 2022 film starring Brad Pitt proved to me that not all modern movies suck

What is Bullet Train?


I couldn't tell you why but I have three autographed pictures of this legendary New York Yankee

Who is Mickey Mantle?
