I _______________ my grandparents next weekend. (navštívím)
will visit
You _______________ there. (nebudeš)
won´t be
find / tomorrow / will / the keys / you?
Will you find the keys tomorrow?
Will Tom and Sarah get married next year? +
Yes, they will.
Jiří nebude potřebovat nic
George won´t need anything.
She _______________ a new car next month. (koupí)
will buy
He _______________ the dog. (nebude se starat)
won´t look after
win / next year / the championship / they / will?
Will they win the championship next year?
Will Martin refuse the offer in the end? -
No, he won´t.
Budete tento víkend jezdit v parku na kolečkových bruslích?
Ne, nebudeme.
Will you rollerblade in the park this weekend?
No, we won’t.
They _______________ a new house next year. (nastěhovat se)
will move
They _______________ the party early. (neopustí)
won´t leave
will / this afternoon / record / he / the song?
Will he record the song this afternoon?
Will your brother ring Emily later tonight? +
Yes, he will.
Nebudu mít chuť jít ven pozdě v noci.
I will not fancy going out late at night.
The students _______________ their projct by the end of December. (dokončí)
will finish
The plane _______________ on time. (nepřistane)
won´t land
pick up / will / later / she / the package / today?
Will she pick up the package today?
Will the storm break the old bridge tomorrow? -
No, it won´t.
Přijme ta žena příští týden tu nabídku práce?
Ano, přijme.
Will the woman accept the job offer next week?
Yes, she will.
Dad _______________ the car tomorrow morning. (opraví)
will repair
Janet _______________ before us. (nedorazí)
won´t arrive
orbit / next week / the satellite / will / the Earth?
Will the satellite orbit the Earth next week?
Will the police arrest the suspect by tonight? +/-
Yes, they will.
No, they won´t.
Zloděj si opatrně zvedne ten náhrdelník ze země zítra ve tři hodiny (odpoledne).
The thief will carefully pick up the necklace from the floor tomorrow at 3 p.m.