the Madison Square Garden
What did Williams use to describe the hidden beauty he found all throughout the city?
prescription blanks and others typed in a few spare minutes between patient visits
Where and when did Williams write down ideas?
explained "that a man himself is a city, beginning, seeking, achieving and concluding his life in ways which the various aspects of a city may embody
What did the original four book Paterson do?
art and literature
What did Williams parents provide a background in?
What job other than a writer did Williams have?
1939 letter to Horace Gregory
Where did Williams explain his attraction towards America?
honest, no optimistic blindness
What are characteristics of Williams poetry?
compares the school girls wearing white to their childhood innocence or purity roaming the streets where they walked
What Does Williams do in his poem "The Lonely Street"?
publishing in small magazines and embarked on a prolific career as a poet, novelist, essayist, and playwright
How did Williams begin his writing career?
Ezra Pound
Who did Williams meet which helped his writing career?
He spoke on an equal level and used the language of America.
How did Williams express his democracy?
What is one of Williams highly esteemed later works?
America and the Depression
What does Williams focus on in The Knife of the Times?
What poet's influence spread which caused Williams to be overshadowed?
New York City
Where did he live most of his life and many of his poems were based off of?
A Dream of Love and the poem "Asphodel, That Greeny Flower."
What works did Williams explore the theme of renewed love?
variable foot—the division of the line according to a new method that would be satisfactory to an American
What did Williams think his special gift to the new poets was?
his wife's family
What does Williams focus on in the novel trilogy, White Mule, In the Money, and The Build-Up?
1950s and 1960s
When did Williams work receive increasing attention?
Pulitzer Prize and national Institute of Arts and letters’ Gold Medal for Poetry
What did Williams win that proved he was a successful poet?
Imagist movement
What was Williams a leading poet of?
Williams major works
What were Kora in Hell (1920); Spring and All(1923); Pictures from Brueghel and Other Poems (1962), which was awarded the Pulitzer Prize; the five-volume epic Paterson (1963, 1992); and Imaginations (1970)?
he examined the "original records" of "some of the American founders
What did Williams do to find what the land of my more or less accidental birth might signify?
Library of Congress
Where was Williams invited to become a consultant?
what Williams is known for using in his poems
What is the relation between Williams and imagery?