For the History Buffs
For the Nursing Buffs
For the Animal Buffs
For the Geography Buffs
Choose at your Own Risk (COR)

What were the principal groups in WW2?

100 Bonus Points: Name 3 countries in each group.

What are... the Axis Powers, and the Allies

100 BP:

Axis- Germany, Italy, and Japan

Allies- France, Great Britain, United States, Soviet Union, and a lesser extent, China


What is the largest bone in the body?

Extra 50 points: What is the smallest?

What is... the femur

Extra Points: Stapes bone


What is the name for a group of lions?

Bonus 50 points: What is a group of Crows called?

What is... a Pride

BP: a Murder


What is the name of the tallest mountain in the world?

50 Bonus Points: What are the names of the two countries that this mountain sits on the border of?

What is... Mount Everest

50 BP: China and Nepal

What are the names of the 7 dwarfs?

50 BP: How old is Snow White in the movie?

What are... Doc, Happy, Grumpy, Dopey, Sneezy, Bashful, Sleepy

50 BP: 14 years old


What event on August 6, 1945, marked the first use of nuclear weapons in warfare and led to Japan's surrender in WW2?

100 BP: What is the nickname of the nuclear weapon used in this event?

50 BP: What is the name of the secret project that developed the atomic bombs in WW2?

What is... the atomic bombing of Hiroshima

100 BP: "Little Boy"

50 BP: The Manhattan Project


What lab needs to be drawn to ensure the correct dosage of Heparin is being administered?

Extra 50 points: What does it stand for?

What is... a pTT

Extra points: partial thromboplastin time


What is the closest living relative to the T-Rex?

What is... a Chicken


What is the capital of Thailand?

What is... Bangkok


In Harry Potter, what is the smallest ball of the three used during a Quidditch match?

What is... the Golden Snitch


What is the purpose of Executive Order 9066, signed by President Franklin D. Roosevelt during WW2?

150 BP: What U.S. government agency was established to oversee the purpose of this Executive Order?

50 BP: What was the secret order established to kill all of the Jedi?

Order 9066 gave U.S. Military authority to exclude any persons from designated areas, effectively targeting Japanese Americans for relocation and internment.

150 BP: The federal War Relocation Authority (WRA)

50 BP: Order 66


What does the acronym FAST stand for?

What is...






The urine of this animal glows in the dark if you shine a UV light on it.

Bonus 150 Points: What breed of this animal is almost exclusively female?

What is... a Cat

150 BP: Calico


How many countries are included in the United Kingdom?

100 BP: What is the official currency of the United Kingdom?

150 BP: What is the current conversion of this currency into the American dollar

What are... 4 Countries

100 BP: The Pound Sterling

150 BP: 1 pound sterling=1.28 US Dollars


Who is Paige's celebrity crush?

100 Bonus Points: What is the age of her crush?

Who is... Matthew Gray Gubler

100 BP: 44 years old


What are the names of the WW2 leaders (not generals) for both the Allied and Axis Powers?

Give me 2 of each and the country they represented. 

800 points if you can name ALL of them AND the country they represent.

Allied- Winston Churchill (UK), Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union), Charles de Gaulle (France), Franklin D. Roosevelt/ Harry S. Truman (United States)

Axis- Adolf Hitler (Germany), Benito Mussolini (Italy), Hideki Tojo/ Hirohito (Japan), Philippe Petain (Vichy France)


Left Sided or Right Sided Heart Failure?

Pulmonary congestion with pink, frothy sputum, postural dyspnea, shortness of breath, and fatigue.

150 bonus points: list 3 symptoms of the other type of HF

What is... Left-sided HF

Bonus points: peripheral edema (swelling of the peripheries), ascites, weight gain, nausea, loss of appetite, weakness, lethargy, fatigue, shortness of breath


What is the average gestation period of a giraffe?

Bonus 200 points: Average gestation period of a dog?

What is... 14-15 months

200 BP: 62-64 days


How many time zones does Russia have?

200 BP: How many does the United States have?

What is... 11

200 BP: 9


How many James Bond movies are there?

200 BP: name two actors who played James Bond

200 BP: Who was the First AMERICAN James Bond and who is the CURRENT James Bond?

25 films

200 BP: Barry Nelson, Sean Connery, David Niven, George Lazenby, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton, Pierce Brosnan, Daniel Craig

200 BP: Barry Nelson (First AMERICAN) and Daniel Craig (Current)


***3 Part Question, 200 points for every correct answer***

1. What was the military strategy employed by Germany during its invasion of Poland and subsequent campaigns. 

2. What is it characterized by (include the equipment used)? 

3. WHO developed the strategy?

50 BP: What does the name mean in English?

1. What is Blitzkrieg.

2. Swift and coordinated attacks using tanks and aircraft.

3. Hans von Seeckt

50 BP: "Lightning War"


List 5 symptoms of hyperkalemia and 2 causes of hyperkalemia.

250 bonus points: list 5 symptoms of hypokalemia.

100 Bonus points: what is the correct range of potassium in the human body?

What is... 

S/x: heart palpitations, muscle weakness/ numbness, nausea/vomiting, chest pain, diarrhea, arrythmia, abdominal pain

Causes: high-potassium diet, medications, severe trauma/burns, AKI, CKD, etc.

250 BP: Constipation, Heart palpitations, fatigue, muscle weakness, muscle spasms, tingling and numbness in hands/feet, paralysis, low BP, polyuria, polydipsia

100 BP: 3.5-5.0


What is the only dog breed that can't bark?

100 bonus points: What is Autumn and Sophie's Birthday?

What is... the Basenji

100 BP: June 27


What country in Northern England has the James Herriot Museum, housed in the building where Herriot originally practiced veterinary medicine with Brian and Donald Sinclair (renames Siegfried and Tristan Farnon in the books)?

250 BP: Linking Sacramento and West Sacramento is what 738-foot-long landmark with the same name as a far more famous structure in London, England?

Where is... Yorkshire

250 BP: Tower Bridge


Originally intended for better seat cushioning and as crash protection, memory foam was invented in the 1970s by what U.S. government agency with a lot of engineers to spare?

500 BP: What YEAR was this agency founded? 

***Will accept 5 years on either side of answer***

What is... NASA.

500 BP: 1958 (correct answer accept between 1953-1963)
