a range of services that help kids with disabilities learn
special education
ongoing assessments to make data based on decisions regarding students learning progress and the effectiveness of instructional practices.
progress monitoring
pairing teachers in the classroom to share responsibilities of planning and instruction
Co teaching
is rapidly growing and the most common psychiatric condition affecting 10 % of children including 20% of males
learning standards related to what students should know and be able to do that serves as a framework guiding the development of curriculum that prepares students for post secondary education.
common core
An instructional arrangement where students work with their peers to achieve a shared academic goal rather than competing against or working separately from their classmates
cooperative learning
composed of professionals and family member who make important decisions concerning the education of students
multidisciplinary team
the partial of full time program that educated students with disabilities with their general education peers
students with (blank) engage in continuous and sustained aggressive and disruptive behaviors that negatively impact other and that are not consistent with age appropriate norms and rules.
conduct disorder
provision to improve the educational performance of students with disabilities by having high expectations, giving greater access to general education
Public Law 105-17
A disorder in one or more of the basic psychological processes involved in understanding or using spoken or written language that may appear as an impaired ability to listen, think, speak, read, write, or spell.
specific learning disorder
Postsecondary goals in the areas of training, education, employment, and community participation.
Transitional services
Before it was enacted into law in 1975, more than 1 million students with disabilities were denied education.
A condition associated with anxieties and fears, heart and health problem, health problems, hypersensitivity to sound, difficulty with visual-spatial task, and relative strengths and talents in terms of language, sociability, verbal processing and music.
Williams syndrome
a civil right act designed to integrate individuals with disabilities into the social and economic mainstream.
American with disabilities act
A narrative of the events that took place during an observation.
anecdotal record
A statement of the student's present levels of academic performance
over turned Pennsylvania law and secure a quality free public education for all children despite their disabilities.
Pennsylvania association for retarded children vs commonwealth of Pennsylvania
a communication disorder, such as stuttering, impaired articulation, a language impairment, or a voice impairment, that adversely affects educational performance.
speech and language impairment
Assess students learning at the end of the lesson by having students complete a _____.
Exit ticket
When it is necessary to lower the student–teacher ratio in order to teach new material or to review material previously taught, the best cooperative teaching arrangement is
Parallel teaching
high, mid or low technology including devices and services to support a student with disabilities
Assistive technology
a multi tiered approach to early identification and support of students with learning disabilities
caused by the failure of the vertebrae of the spinal cord to close properly, usually resulting in paralysis of the lower limbs as well as loss of control over bladder function.
spina bifida
The Supreme Court extended the concept of equal educational opportunity to include special language programs for ELLs
Lau vs. Nichols(1974)