What is another popular name for Raccoons?
Trash panda
What are the things on top of a Moose head called?
How many wishes does the magic lamp grant?
Name a song from Lion King
What kinds of foods do raccoons eat?
Trash, Berries, pretty much everything!
Name for a female Moose
Name 3 Characters from Aladdin
Whats the name of where Simba lives?
Pride rock!
What do raccoons often do to their food before they eat it?
Dip it in water
How long can a Moose hold its breath for?
1 minute
Name a song from Aladdin
Name 4 characters from Lion King
What can raccoons do with their hands that most animals can not?
Open stuff!
How fast can a Moose run?
35 MPH
What animal does the villain in Aladdin turn into?
What does Simba eat when he lives with Timon and Pumba
How many feet can a raccoon fall from a tree and live to tell the tale.
Up to 40 feet!
How many pounds a day can baby moose gain?
3 to 6 pounds a day.
What animal does princess Jasmine have?
Whats wrong with Pride rock when Simba returns?