Facts about NSPM Roma
LC History
LC Lore
LC Resources
LC Student Organizations

What LC NCAA team does Roma play for?

L&C Women's Crew


In 1942, the college changed its name to Lewis and Clark College. Before this, what was the name?

Albany College


What's the name of the Newfoundland dog stature outside of Pamplin?



Your friend comes to you struggling to write their midterm. They're not even sure where to start. What would you recommend they do?

Go to the writing center and talk to their prof. in office hours. 


Your friend freakin loves hiking, climbing, and backpacking! What student organization might you suggest they get involved with? 

College Outdoors (CO)


What's Roma's major?



When was the college founded? 



What famous LC alum just released their debut album and will "guess the color of your underwear?"

The Dare (aka Harrison Patrick Smith)


Your friend is really struggling in their Intro to CS course. What are two on-campus resources that you might suggest to them?

SQRC, SAAB Tutoring, office hours


Your friend really wishes there was a frat on campus. What student organization might you suggest they join?

Bacchus Ultimate Frisbee 

(all love <3)

How old is Roma?



The estate that LC is located on was originally what?

A Jewish country club


What famous LC alum said the quote “I was Patient Zero of losing a personal reputation on a global scale almost instantaneously.”

Monica Lewinsk


Your friend tested into Japanese 201 but is really struggling to keep up with the course. The Japanese classes they took in high school didn't prepare them as well as they thought they would. What are two resources you might suggest to them?

Interactive learning center (ILC), SAAB tutoring, and office hours


Your friend plays bass and has insane music taste. They are looking to connect with fellow musicians and DJs on the Portland scene. What are two student organizations you could suggest they get involved with?

KPH Radio and The Coop!


Where is Roma from?

Houston, TX


M. Lloyd Frank finished the construction of the Manor House in 1925. How did he earn his fortune?

He was a joint owner and founder of Meier & Frank department stores. Aka, modern-day Macy's.


Why is L&C currently facing a class-action lawsuit?

ALLEGED negligence regarding the cyber attack in February 2023


Your friend recently lost a loved one. They are really struggling to keep up with their life as a busy student while also grieving alone and away from family. What are two on-campus resources that you might suggest to them?

The counseling center, Pio Support Network (PSN), Circles of Solace Grief Group, and Chaplin Hilary Martin Himan


Your friend is feeling very isolated and marginalized as a POC at a PWI. What student organization could you suggest they get involved with to find community and folks who've gone through similar experiences? 

Inclusion and Multicultural Engagement (IME), or other identity-based organizations like ASU, BSU, FSU, Mixed LC, NDSU, GLU, NSU, etc.


Roma has 3 jobs on campus, what are they?

NSPM, Tour Guide, and Peer Tutor 


What church was the college originally founded by?

(Hint: Christian protestant sect)

The Presbyterian Church


Why did LC's previous president leave? 

He embezzled $10.5 million from the college 


You notice a friend from your NST, who you haven't really kept up with, suddenly seems very secluded and just "off." Every time you run into them, they're super faded. They talk about never really leaving their room and about struggling in their classes. You always see them alone in the bon or smoking weed outside by themselves. What would you do, and what are 3 campus resources you might utilize? 

Check-in with them, and let them know you care and are concerned about them. Suggest the counseling center, PSN, Office of Health Promotion and Wellness, and Peer Recovery Groups. If you notice things haven't changed with them or are getting worse, contact the Welfare Intervention Network (WIN)


Your friend is looking to get involved with social justice and service outreach on campus. What are three organizations you might suggest to them?

The Center for Social Change and Community Involvement, Prison Abolition LC, Students Engaged in Eco-Defense (SEED), Harm Reduction LC, FSU, BSU, etc. 
