How many siblings does Wilma have?
She has three siblings.
Where does Wilma live?
On the top a hill near St. George's.
What does Wilma wear every day to school?
Where is the island of Grenada?
The island of Grenada is in the Caribbean.
Wilma is eleven years old.
How many brothers does Wilma have?
Three brothers. Two elder brothers and one younger brother.
Which animals does Wilma and her family have?
Wilma and her family have a dog, a cat and some chickens.
Are there any boys at Wilma's school?
What is the official language of Grenada?
English is the official language of Grenada.
Who is Wilma's best friend?
Samara is Wilma's best friend.
What does Wilma's mother do for a living?
Which fruits grow in Wilma's family's garden?
Bananas, mangos, breadfruits and coconuts.
Which subjects are Wilma's favourites?
Wilma's favourite subjects are Language Arts and Social Studies.
Which other language than English is spoken on Grenada?
Creole, which is the local language of Grenada, is also spoken on Grenada.
Which sport is Wilma good at playing?
Wilma is good at netball.
What does Wilma's mother's boyfriend do for a living?
He works at one of the hotels.
What vegetable grows in Wilma's family's garden?
Callaloo, which is a lettuce- or spinach-like vegeatble.
What do Wilma do at her school that we do not do at our school?
She prays many times a day.
Which small Danish island is the same size as Grenada?
The island of Mors is the same size as Grenada.
Which subject is Wilma's least favourite subject?
Maths. She did not get good marks in Maths this year, but she is trying her best to get them up.
What does Wilma's father do for a living?
He is a conductor on a bus. He opens and closes the door and collectsmoney from people.
What can Wilma see from her house?
She has a great view of Grand Anse Beach.
What religion is practised at Wilma's school?
Grenada is also known as .....?
The Isle of Spice.
What are Wilma's responsibilities when she gets home from school?
She has to wash her baby brother, Michael, in the morning and look after him when she gets home from school.