How many syllables are in the word because?
What is fish?
What is wish?
Divide the word kickball into syllables
What is kick-ball?
Two letters that make one sounds is called a...
What is a digraph?
What sound does a cow make?
What is moo?
How many syllables are in the word reading?
What is "2"?
What says /kt/ at the end of a word?
What is ct?
Divide the nonsense word zentlish into syllables
What is zent-lish?
"shr" is a...
What is a digraph blend?
What is the name of our school's mascot?
What is cougar?
This is the number of syllables in "ATLANTIC."
What is "3"?
Mark the word siblings
Show the correct markings.
Divide the word fantastic into syllables
What is fan-tas-tic?
These are all the sounds for "s" (must get at least 2 out of 3)
s snake /s/
s bugs /z/
s wise /z/
List two places you could go if you need a break.
What is guidance?
What is SSC?
What kind of syllable is the word colt?
What is a closed syllable?
What makes the /ik/ sound at the end of a two-syllable word?
What is -ic?
Divide the nonsense word chanflop into syllables?
What is chan-flop?
What is it called when we have a mushy vowel sound?
What is a schwa?
Spell any of your teachers names correctly.
Numerous answers.
Every syllable HAS to have this.
What is vowel?
What kind of word is basketball? How do we mark it?
What is a compound word? (Explain how we would break this into 2)
Divide the word "establish" into syllables.
These three words have a schwa sound.
chap, cactus, hill, thud, chicken, jacket
Cactus, Chicken, Jacket
How many days are in one whole school year?
What is 180?