What is the sound of oi
What says /oi/
pres i dent
What sport does Mrs. G coach?
What does the word primary mean?
most important
What type of suffix do you change the baseword for? (consonant or vowel)
Vowel suffixes
What is the sound of ph?
What says /f/
Divide the word considerate
con sid er ate
What is Mrs. G favorite color?
What does the word vandalize mean?
destroy property on purpose
What is the definition of a 1-1-1 baseword?
A baseword with:
1 syllable
1 short vowel
1 consonant at the end
What is the sound of stle?
What says /sl/
Divide the word repackage
re pack age
What is Mrs. G's husband's name?
sure or certain
Combine the baseword with the suffix:
Hope + ing
What is the sound of oo ?
What says /u/
Divide the word intensity
in ten si ty
Who is Mrs. G favorite NFL team?
Cleveland Browns
What does the word resident mean?
a person who lives in a certain place
Combine the baseword with the suffix:
Trip + ed
What is the spelling for the v-e suffix exception /ij/?
-age *like baggage, cabbage, damage
Divide the word responsibility
re spon si bil ity
Where did Mrs. G go to college? (2 options)
Otterbein University & Ohio Dominican University
What does the word concurrent mean?
happening at the same time
Combine the baseword with the suffix:
lazy + est