c) note
Read the sentence and tell me what word(s) contains the v-e syllable.
The food at the clambake was fantastic!
clam bake
closed v-e
Tell me all the syllables and their syllable types:
dis trib ute
closed closed v-e
Identify the prefixes or suffixes:
Read the sentence below and identify the word that contains an exception to the v-e rule:
Dale dislikes black olives in his salad.
a) file
Read the sentence and tell me what word(s) contains the v-e syllable.
This website about baseball is full of great facts.
web site base ball
c v-e v-e c
Tell me all the syllables and their syllable types:
lem on ade
c c v-e
Identify the prefixes or suffixes:
Read the sentence below and identify the word that contains an exception to the v-e rule:
Pete tells the class how he solves the word problems.
solves-- there is a silent e after the v because v never stands alone at the end of an English word. The -s at the end is a suffix.
c) tube
d) these
Read the sentence and tell me what word(s) contains the v-e syllable.
Whenever he can, Rick likes to include his friends in his plans.
likes in clude
v-e closed v-e
Tell me all the syllables and their syllable types:
in com plete dis in vite
c c v-e c c v-e
(prefix) (prefix)
Identify the prefixes or suffixes:
Read the sentence below and identify the word that contains an exception to the v-e rule:
The fire in the fireplace is very intense.
intense--this word ends with an /s/ sound. It needs a silent e at the end because we don't leave and /s/ sound at the end of a word unless it is a plural word or a verb in the present tense.
a) while
c) gave
Read the sentence and tell me what word(s) contains the v-e syllable.
Maxim left his bed unmade because he woke up late.
un made woke late
closed v-e v-e v-e
Tell me all the syllables and their syllable types:
con trib ute rec og nize
c c v-e c c v-e
Identify the prefixes or suffixes:
Read the sentence below and identify the word(s) that contains an exception to the v-e rule:
Please rinse the olives and place them in the dish.
rinse--this word needs the /s/ sound at the end and is not plural or a verb needing to end in the /s/ sound.
olives--this contains the -ive exception.
a) tide
b) kite
d) name
Read the sentence and tell me what word(s) contains the v-e syllable.
The cake was so good because Steve used homemade frosting.
cake Steve home made
v-e v-e v-e v-e
Identify the multi-syllable word in the following sentence and tell me which syllable is a v-e syllable type:
Fran will not exclude Meg because she is her friend.
ex clude
c v-e
Read the sentence below and identify the word that contains a prefix and/or suffix:
The costume is still incomplete.
1) ive--as either part of the word (as in give) or as a suffix as in (objective).
2) add a silent e after a v as in twelve because v doe not end any words in English.
3) add a silent e after an s as in sense to show it is not plural or a verb in the present tense.