Pointless, purposeless, impractical, ineffective
The small piece of paper attached to a gift that says who it's from and who it is for
What did Rowley pick out for Greg?
a Big Wheel
Accidentally swapped Greg's gift
To be very expensive, to be worth a lot of money
Cost a fortune
phrase that means to solve or to realize (when Greg and his mom realized what happened with the sweater)
figure it out
What did Uncle Charlie give to Greg?
A picture of himself
Got absolutely everything he wanted for Christmas
Have high expectations, be optimistic
Let your hopes get high (have high hopes)
Enclose in paper; what you do to a present
to wrap
What gift did Greg's dad buy him?
A weight set (bench press)
Gave a regifted present to Rowley
Robber, outlaw, thief, raider...
An idiom that means to quit in defeat
Throw in the towel
What did Rodrick give to Greg?
A Lil' Cutie comic book
Always swoops in to collect trash
Haul, prize, winnings
a phrase that means to succeed in doing something difficult or unexpected
pull it off
What did Greg's family gift to the Giving Tree guy?
(Twisted Wizard) Videogame
Gave Greg the same gift 4 years in a row