Travel to work
Job Interview
Job application
Workplace Etiquette

What is one thing you should check about your commute before starting a new job?

The duration or length of the commute.


What should you bring with you to a job interview?

A copy of your resume and a list of references.


What personal information should be at the top of your resume?

Your name, address, phone number, and email.


What is the purpose of a job application?

To provide potential employers with your personal, educational, and professional information to assess your suitability for a job.


What should you do if you’re going to be late to work?

Inform your supervisor as soon as possible.


Name two types of transportation you can use to get to work.

Bus, train, access-A-Ride, walking.


How early should you arrive for a job interview?

10-15 minutes early


Why is it important to tailor your resume for each job application?

To highlight the skills and experiences most relevant to the specific job.


What should you do if you don't know the answer to a required question on a job application?

Provide the best possible answer, or if appropriate, indicate "N/A" (not applicable) while ensuring you don't leave the field blank.


Why is it important to dress appropriately for your workplace?

It shows professionalism and respect for the company’s culture.


What should you do if your usual transportation method is unavailable on a workday?

Have a backup plan, such as a different mode of transport or arranging a ride.


Name one question you can ask the interviewer at the end of your interview.

Can you tell me more about the day-to-day responsibilities of this job?


 What is the purpose of using bullet points to list your job responsibilities and achievements on your resume?

Bullet points make your resume easier to read by clearly outlining your responsibilities and achievements, allowing employers to quickly scan and identify key information.


What is a common mistake to avoid when completing a job application?

Spelling and grammatical errors.


What is one way to handle a disagreement with a coworker?

Address the issue calmly and respectfully, seeking to understand their perspective.


You have an important meeting at 9 AM, but your usual bus is delayed. What steps can you take to ensure you arrive on time?

 Check for alternate bus routes, call a taxi or ride-share, or inform your workplace of the delay and your expected arrival time.


 During an interview, you’re asked a question you don’t know the answer to. How should you handle it?

Stay calm, take a moment to think, and either provide your best educated guess or honestly say you don’t know but show a willingness to learn.


You have gaps in your employment history. How can you address this on your resume?

Explain the gaps in a cover letter or use a functional resume format to highlight skills over chronological work history.


You're completing a job application, and you notice a section that asks about your availability to work overtime or on weekends. How should you approach answering this question?

Consider your own availability and the job requirements carefully. Be honest about your availability and any potential constraints, but also express flexibility and willingness to accommodate the needs of the job when possible.


You’ve overheard a coworker sharing confidential information about the company. What should you do?

Report the incident to a supervisor or HR department.


You have a critical early morning meeting, but there is a severe weather alert predicting heavy snow overnight. What steps can you take to ensure you arrive at work on time despite the weather conditions?

Monitor the weather forecast closely, plan to leave much earlier than usual, arrange alternative transportation such as a taxi or ride-share, and inform your employer of your situation to discuss possible arrangements.


During a job interview, you are asked a complex question about a technical skill you have limited experience with. How do you respond to demonstrate your ability to learn and adapt?

Acknowledge your limited experience with the specific skill, then highlight your related skills and experiences. Explain how you have successfully learned new skills in the past, your approach to quickly acquiring new knowledge, and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity to develop this particular skill on the job.


You’re applying for a job that requires skills you’ve gained through volunteer work, but not previous paid employment. How do you include this experience on your resume?

List the volunteer experience in a dedicated section, emphasizing the relevant skills and accomplishments.


The job application requires you to disclose any criminal history. How should you approach this question if you have a minor offense in your past?

Be honest about your past, provide context if necessary (e.g., how you've grown since then), and emphasize your qualifications and suitability for the position.


You’re in a meeting, and a colleague interrupts you repeatedly. How can you handle this situation professionally?

Politely assert yourself by saying, “I’d like to finish my point” or wait until they finish and then continue with your thoughts.
