Resort name in Branson Missouri
What is the The Lodges at Timber Ridge?
21 years old, owns valid and credit card, makes 100k annually.
What are qualifications?
Virtual sky diving on property.
What is Dessert Oasis, Palm Springs?
Books an overnight stay prior to tour.
What is a minivac?
Slacks and dress shoes
What is indoor attire?
A resort with a third party shuttle from airport.
What is Sirena Del Mar, Cabo San Lucas?
4 days/3night stay
What is a stay and play ?
Daily planned activities such as beer tasting and trivia nights.
What is the Ranahan, Breckenridge Colorado?
Room with kitchen, living space, washer/dryer, king bed, soak in tub.
What is a condo/villa?
Highest end property of the collection.
The Northstar Lodge, Lake Tahoe
"I don't have time" "I need to ask my partner"
What is an objection?