The strip at the bottom of your computer screen that shows a lot of useful shortcuts
Check here to find something you deleted
Recycle Bin
Use this app (or program) to create a document, like a letter or flyer
Use this button to close a window
What is the operating system you have been learning about?
The first screen you see when you turn on your computer
Click on this to find your power options
Start Button
Use this app (or program) to make a spreadsheet
Clicking the straight line will do this
Do this on the desktop to create a new folder
It looks like a 4-paned window, and you click it to sign out or shut down
Start Button
Check this folder to find something you got from the internet
Use this app (or program) to make a slideshow for a presentation
Clicking the square will do this
Click on "USB Drive" to find files you saved on this
Flash Drive
A fancy computer term that means "get the program and put it on your computer"
This lives on your taskbar, and will help you find things
Search Bar
Use this app (or program) to get to the internet
Could be multiple answers:
Google Chrome, Edge, Firefox
When you minimize a window, it hangs out here until you need it again
Task Bar
This settings menu gives you options to make things bigger or hear things out loud
This is a picture that might show an app, a folder, or a file
The folder icon on your taskbar opens this window, where you can see your folders and files
File Explorer
This app is useful for taking screenshots
Snipping Tool
This button changes a window from full-screen to part-screen
Square button - or Maximize
I'm all out of questions - everyone gets 500 points!
Hi :-)