What should you annotate?
Almost anything
What is a plot?
Plot is the basic building block for literature.
*It is the answer to the "what happens and why" question.
What was the templet given in Chapter 5 for forming a thesis statement?
What is a protagonist and antagonist?
Protagonist: The good guy or hero
Antagonist: Opposes the protagonist, bad guy, etc.
What does annotate mean?
To comment upon, to note
What are the five types of conflict we covered in Chapter 4?
Man vs. man, Man vs. society, Man vs. God, Man vs. himself, Man vs. nature.
What are two ways listed in Chapter 5 to help form your ideas?
Outline and graphic organizer
What is a foil?
A foil is a character who is usually paired with the protagonist to illustrate contrast.
What are allusions?
They are brief, subtle, and unexplained suggestions of something else such as a person, a place, an event an idea, a quote, or a work of art.
What is in a dramatic pyramid, and who invented it?
(Double points if you draw the pyramid with the correct labeling)
Exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution or dénouement.
Created by Gustov Freytag
The _________ ___________ announces the point the paragraph will make, what it will argue.
Fill in the blanks
topic sentence
What is the repetition of words or phrases at the beginning of sentences or phrases within a sentence?
How can allusions be successful?
Readers must have the schema, or background knowledge to interpret them.
What are plot devices?
Techniques that move the story forward include flashbacks, in medias res, and cliffhangers to explain, create suspense, and compel the reader to continue reading.
What are the euphamisms for the following job descriptions, Sanitation Engineer, Canine Relocation Specialist, Loss Prevention Officer?
Garbage man, Dog catcher, Guard
__________ is similar to anaphora and serves the same purposes, but instead of the repetition coming at the beginning of sentences or phrases, it comes at the end.
Fill in the blank
Although there are more than seven items, list seven things you should have listed for annotations.
Clue: Annotation Checklist
Questions, definitions of unfamiliar words, personal responses, drawings, favorite passages, interesting or unusual words, evidence of thinking, your reactions to characters and events, notations of literary devices, connections between the story and your own experience, answers to your questions, arguments with the author or characters, predictions about what will happen next, inferences and guesses about the author's beliefs, and patterns or repetition
List three other plot devices writers use to carry the plot forward.
Chekhov's gun, Deus ex machina, foreshadowing, frame story, twist ending.
The concept of _______________(also called _________structure) in literature is similar to the lines: it's words that go in the same direction.
Fill in the blanks
Parallelism, parallel
What is an object, an action, or a character (person or animal) that serves double-duty?
(Double points if you can give four examples listed in the book)
A symbol