Odorless Gas
What is Carbon monoxide
May choose to Double
What is Backgammon
2 Riemer's kicked out
What is Bank of America Pavilion
150 Feet
what is wake distance from shore
Hair Color response
What is Receding
Fun with 2 or drop 1
What is Water Skiing
Bam that Joker
What is Maj Jong
Was not a minor Hike
Mount Major
Opposite of a bad color
What is Goodhue
Jewelry Retrieval
What is the request made by Joan during the gas leak
2 out of 3 aint bad
What is Props for the boat
Swing your Partner
What is a Hoe Down
You may Hike, Dine, or Tour
Castle in the Clouds
Halloween Boating Hazard
The Witches
These will save expulsion
what are Red Solo cups
Orange, Red, and disappearing
What is the sunset
Big Black D..K
What is Cards against Humanity
Oldest Resort town in the USA
What is Wolfeboro
How many lifejackets are needed on a pontoon boat
What is the capacity of the boat
Thanksgiving Food
What are Lobsters
Shout from Ace
30 opens
What is Rummy Cube
Kings or Ridge Woods
What are Golf Courses
May have lost one, but never charged
What is a kayak
What is pre-lake shopping store