The world-altering invention was created by the Wright brothers in 1903
What are planes
What is the primary mode of transportation of Australian singing sensation "The Wiggles"
Big Red Car
The world's first rodeo was held in this state
This recreational automotive brand is manufactured in Thief River, Minnesota
What is Arctic Cat
Rooibos, Pu-erh, and Yellow are all kinds of what beverage?
This hair colour occurs naturally in only 2% of the world's population
What is blonde?
This nordic country is home to Avicii, Greta Thunberg, and Bjorn Borg
What is Sweden?
This Alberta town was the birthplace of 4-H in Alberta in 1916 with a swine club
What is Olds
This antler-bearing ruminant can run up to 40 miles an our and jump up to 8 feet high
What is Elk?
This sport is considered one of the most dangerous in the world and was also thoroughly enjoyed by my former boss Joe
What is motocross?