You wear this to keep your hands warm.
What are gloves?
This holiday is celebrated on Dec. 25.
What is Christmas?
Slipping and sliding on the highway is caused by...
Why are the roads icy?
You wear this to keep your head warm.
What is a hat?
The day before Christmas.
What is Christmas Eve?
A large white arctic bear, which lives mainly on the pack ice. It is a powerful swimmer and feeds chiefly on seals.
What is a polar bear?
When its so cold out and your car won't start it is usually caused by...
What is something wrong with the car battery?
An activity you do going to a snowy hill while sitting down.
What is sledding?
The day before the first day of January.
What is New Years Eve?
Their flippers are distinctively large, helping them dive deep in the icy ocean. On land, they waddle and toboggan across the ice—sliding on their bellies, and propelling themselves with their flippers.
What is a penguin?
When it has snowed and you must look for these so you may go outside and play. (name two things)
What are your winter coat, gloves, snow boots, hat or snow pants? (any two answers count)
An activity you do in your front yard, where you must make 3 large spheres of snow.
What is build a snowman?
This December holiday is celebrated for 8 days.
What is Hanukkah?
These sleek swimmers cruise the chilly waters and feed on fish and crustaceans. They can remain submerged for up to 15 minutes.
What is a seal?
When you want to play in the snow, but your parent wants help with this instead.
What is shovel my driveway?
An activity you do that requires you to lay in the snow and move your arms and legs.
What is make a snow angel?
The name of this December holiday comes from the phrase “matunda ya kwanza” which means “first fruits” in Swahili.
What is Kwanzaa?
When adults are in a rush to go to work, but they have to do something first because it's too cold and there's snow everywhere on their vehicle.
What is start the car and scrap the ice/snow from the windows?