What movie is known for there song "Let it go"
What is Frozen
When was hannukkah this year?
What is December 11th-19th
What famous movie includes two guys coming home fro thanksgiving?
What is Plains, Trains and Automobiles
Who was born and died on the same day
Who is William Shakespeare
What is a very famous Landmark in New York City in the water?
What is the Statue of Liberty
What famous musical features the character snoopy?
What is a chary brown musical
How many nights is Hanukkah?
What is 8 nights
What is the famous main course on Thanksgiving?
What is Turkey
When was Alexander Hamilton born?
What is January 11
What is the best snack for movies?
What is Pop Corn?
What movie takes place on Christmas and has two princesses that look alike.
What is the princess switch
How many prays do you say on hannukah?
What is 3 prays
What is the date of Thanksgiving every year?
What is November 31
When is Ariana Grande Born?
What is June 26th
What is a big clock in London?
What is the Big Ben?
What is the ginger bread man
What Is the special thing you do on hannukkah
What is light the candles every night
Is Thanksgiving a wold wide holiday?
What is yes
What is March 1
What is the Best Cake place in Bridge Hampton?
What is Carvel
In what movie is there a snow man that can talk
What is Frozen
Why is hannukkah a holiday?
What is the jews ran from slavery and crossed the Red Sea which was a miracle
Why do we celebrate Thanksgiving in the first place?
What is I have absolutely no
When was Abraham Lincoln born?
What is March 4th
What is the most famous bakery in south Hampton that is famous for there cinnamon buns
What is Ye Old Bakery