What is the first thing you should do when you arrive on the playground?
Check in with Mrs. Mitchell
How do we line up anywhere?
Silently and in number order.
How should we enter the classroom from the hallway?
Wait for the teacher to signal you in, calm, and get work on the next part of the day.
Where do you sit in the cafeteria?
At the fourth grade table.
What are our four classroom rules?
1. listen and follow directions
2. Use hand signals and stay on task
3. Keep your hands and feet to yourself
4. Respect your classmates, teacher, and school
Where do we line up?
Along the edge of the turf near the football field.
How do we walk in the hallway?
We walk with our hands to ourselves, eyes forward, in a straight line, zero voices.
How do we wash our hands?
Get two pumps of soap, make a lap, rinse and dry.
What happens if you forget your snack money?
Too bad, try again tomorrow.
What are the consequences for breaking a classroom rule?
1. Redirect
2. Sideline
3. Think Time
4. Letter Home
What should you do if you get to school and everyone has already gone in?
Go directly to the front office and check in with them.
What do you do if you need to tie your shoe while we are in the hallway?
Step out of line, tie your shoe and join the end of the line.
When do you get flexible seating?
During AR reading, Lexia, or when the teacher specifies.
What is the signal for cleaning up your tray or trash?
Raise your hand in a closed fist.
When is it your turn to talk in class?
When I raise my hand quietly and the teacher calls on my.
What do you do if a ball or other toys go outside of the fence?
Tell an adult and make sure it is ok for you to leave and get the item.
What do you do if you see someone you know in the hallway?
Smile and keep moving with the line, maintaining expectations.
Are we allowed to bring gum into the classroom?
No because it has been found on the floor too many times.
Why are we not supposed to share food?
You never know if someone is allergic to a food. You share germs really easily this way.
When is the correct time to use the bathroom or fill water bottles?
During independent working time, during read aloud, during indoor recess. Not when the teacher is teaching.
What do you do if you arrive to school early and there aren't any adults out yet?
Stay in the car or wait on one of the benches until an adult comes out.
What are three examples of unacceptable hallway behavior?
Running, jumping to touch a doorway or sign, sliding your hand along the wall, stepping on other peoples' shoes or touching them at all, talking, getting out of line for hugs or high fives.
When should you touch other people's things?
Only when they have given you permission.
Who's job is it to clean up the cafeteria?
You are supposed to clean your own area and the table washers wipe the tables.
Tell the teacher as soon as possible. Accidents happen, do not hid it or lie about it.