Classroom Rules
Classroom Procedures
Lunch Procedures
School Rules
School Work

How should a student ask to speak in class?

By raising their hand and waiting to be called on. Do not blurt out or talk when others are talking. 


What do you do when you get to class?

Wait in a single-file line outside the classroom until the teacher invites you in. Move to your assigned seat quickly and quietly. Review the agenda for supplies needed and place your bookbag on the floor. Begin warm-up activity. 


How should students behave when walking to and from the cafeteria when inside the school?

You walk quietly in a single-file line. No talking in the hallway. 


When should students have a signed planner or note?

When traveling at any time in the hallway during class. 


What grade must a student have to pass a class?

70 or above. Students failing two or more classes will be required to attend Summer School. Students failing three or more classes may be held back in the 6th grade. 


What do you do to help others be a better student?

You encourage others by saying positive things. No put-downs or bullying will be tolerated!

How do you ask for help in class?
You ask you partner and group. If you still can't get the answer raise your hand quietly and wait.

Can I go back to the lunch line if I forget something (napkin, sauce, utensil, etc.)?

No, you must get everything that you need when going through the line the 1st time. Students are not allowed to go back.  


Where are students required to store their cell phones according to school policy?

The phone must be turned off and in the student's bookbag. 


Are students responsible for obtaining missed classwork when absent?

Yes! It is the student's responsibility to find out what classwork they missed while out. The best method is to email teachers when a student is out. 


How do students respect other students and the teacher's property?

By not touching them or destroying them. Ask to use it first before taking anything.


When can I use the bathroom?

Before school, during 2nd period, 4th period, and 6th period.


How are students expected to behave at the lunch table?

Remain seated unless getting an ice cream/water. Use inside voices and clean up after yourself. No trash is left on the table or floor. 


How are students expected to behave during class transitions? 

Students are to walk on the right side of the hallway. Move quickly, and do not stop to socialize. Students who are late for class must have a note or will be sent to ISS for being tardy.  


Why is it important to use class time wisely?

Students who use class time wisely will stay up-to-date on their work, have better grades, and have fewer missing and incomplete assignments. 


What kind of food or drink can students have in class?



What is required for a student to move about the room once in the classroom?

Students must raise their hands and ask permission. No student is allowed to be out of their seat without permission.


Can students use the bathroom during lunch? 



How are students expected to behave during morning and afternoon announcements?

Students are expected to sit quietly and listen. Important information is provided during this time, and all students need to be able to hear and understand. 


Where can students check their grades and assignment comments?

Infinite Campus


What is the 3 strikes you are out rule?

Students will be warned 2x to redirect their actions. On the 3rd time, students will be assigned a consequence (seat change, silent lunch, parent contact). 


Where do students turn in completed work?

In the tray on the table for the student's class period.


How should you behave in the hallway to the cafeteria?

You should be quietly because it is called the quietly zone.


When can you go out of the class?

You can't unless your teacher sends you with a note or a signed planner.

What does a good working group look like?
They are sharing, helping, and encouraging others and getting your work or project done.