What is mittins in french?
Il fait froid in English is...
It is cold!
Faire du ski in English is...
To skate
Whats is the winter festival called in Quebec
Carnaval de Quebec
Tuque in English is..
Hat/Winter hat
Il fait gris in English is...
It is grey!
What is maple taffy in French?
Tire d'erable!
Traineau un chien
Why does carnaval de Quebec exist?
its to brighten up dark winter days and attract tourists!
Gloves in French is...
There is snow in French is...
Il y a du neige!
Queque du castor in English is...
Beaver tail!
Danse sur glace in English is
Ice dancing
Who is bonhomme?
Manteau in English is...
There is clouds/It is cloudy!
Hot chocolate in French is...
Chocolat chaud
Lancer des boules de neiges in English is...
Throwing snowballs
What year did the new carnaval de Quebec begin?
Pantalon de neige in English is...
Il n'y a pas de soleil in English is...
There is no sun!
Sirop d'erable in English is...
Maple syrup
Constuire un bonhomme de neige
Making a snowman
Where is the original Winter Carnival based in?