The science of sorting organisms into groups.
What is taxonomy?
Animals have this type of cell.
What is Eukaryotic?
The Creation Mandate given in the beginning.
What is to fill the earth, care for it, and subdue it?
The three principles of Christian Ethics.
What are the creation mandate, image of God, and God's whole truth?
The storage for the information of the cell.
What is the nucleus?
A virus that destroys a cell by bursting it open.
What is an active virus?
The structure of DNA is composed of these subunits.
What are nucleotides?
Data communicated using numbers.
What is quantitative data?
The suggestion that all Earth's physical processes happen at the same rate in the present as in the past.
What is uniformitarianism?
The phase that cells spend most of their time in.
What is interphase?
A latent virus may do this.
What is remain inactive within the host cell?
Bacteria is classified as this type of cell.
What is prokaryotic?
Qualitative data
What is data communicated using words or descriptions.?
The concept that traits which better allow survival in animals will become more common through generations.
What is the Theory of Natural Selection?
The process by which the ratio of alleles in a population changes randomly over time.
What is genetic drift?
What are traits?
Like DNA, but only a single strand.
What is RNA?
An idea used to explain the data that has been collected.
What is a theory?
The trait expressed by an organism.
What is phenotype?
Mendel's research was the beginning of this type of science.
What is heredity?
Preserved remains of plants and animals.
What are fossils?
The components of a nucleotide.
What are a sugar, phosphate, and a base?
What is a scientific law?
What is incomplete dominance?
The capsule is a slimy coating for this structure.
What is bacteria?