PROP: THW allow professional athletes to take performance-enhancing drugs (e.g. steroids)
Better quality of sport, less cheating, etc
TH, as Canada, W invest more in our military
Prop: "If we don't invest more in our military we will be too reliant on the US for military support, which would be awful if we got invaded and the US chooses not to help us."
You won't get invaded, the US will help you, etc
Policy motion; Prop has fiat to assume their policy will work
How many siblings do I have?
PROP: THW legalize all drugs
Free choice, gets rid of black market, etc
Prop: "This hurts kids' education because they won't be able to get a teacher for a little while."
Not a lot of time, there are substitute teachers, etc
Value debate; whether or not we think something is good/bad
What is my favourite shoe brand?
PROP: THP a world where people do not pursue university education overseas
Better for local universities, helps create jobs, etc
THW force people to do community service for one hour a day (e.g. pick up litter, work at soup kitchen, etc)
Prop: "We need this because there aren't enough people volunteering for these jobs right now which makes problems like climate change worse"
There are volunteers, they make the problem worse, etc.
Actor motion; analyze the debate from the perspective of the actor
TH as
What's my favourite sport?
Voice your opinions, hold governments accountable, etc
THR the rise of social media influencers
Prop: "Social media influencers trick little kids into buying things they don't need through sponsorships."
They still have a choice, other advertising will exist anyways, etc
Comparative debate; comparing two things explicitly
What languages do I speak?
Mandarin and English
OPP: Assuming it was possible, THW choose to live forever
Boredom, lack of meaning, etc
THBT social justice movements should prioritize local issues over international issues
Prop says "People care more about local issues that affect them directly rather than international issues."
International issues also affect them, affect more people, etc
Retrospective debate; must analyze what the counterfactual would have been
Why did I start debating?
My mom forced me into it