In "Tamunzunchale," what does the boy and his family witness when on vacation in Mexico?
A bad accident involving a truck getting run off the road.
The first sentence of a body paragraph should do what?
Present the topic (topic sentence)
o be able to use both hands equally well.
a) adulterate
b) ambidextrous
"I watched all the way to the top of the mountain. In the evening light, rising above the village, the dust was like a pink bomb blast: a great, unfolding flower. I understood only that my mother and father were lost."
Not just the literally lost, but figuratively because they would not stop to help the family in the overturned truck.
What test does Christopher want to take at the end of the book and why?
His maths A Levels in order to attend college in order to show he is not "Special Needs?"
In "Between Practice and Perfection," what happens when Ashley Anders tries to help the main character?
The main character accidentally kicks her in the nose.
You must include this in your body paragraph to help support your point.
A direct quote from the text.
to utter taunting or scornful words.
a) gibe
b) deploy
"The second reason is that people often talk using metaphors. These are examples of metaphors. . . . I think it should be called a lie because a pig is not like a day and people do not have skeletons in their cupboards." (15)
potential answers: Christopher thinks very literally this makes him feel safe
Christopher is arrested for doing what?
hitting a policeman
What does the Daddy get his little daughter for her birthday?
a moped
(not a dead horse or a dead sister)
What should be longer, the quote or the explanation?
The explanation.
to say again, to repeat.
a) verbatim
b) reiterate
"During every class, you strain muscles or fall awkwardly off equipment, and when you overhear the Elite girls laughing, you think they are making fun of you. When you come home, you work out your frustration in your sketches, which even you notice are improving."
The girl discovers her true talents lie in a different activity.
Which person understands Christopher the best and why?
Siobhan because she knows exactly how to explain things to Christopher so he will understand.
In "No Boundaries," how do the cool boys react to the main character winning the game of dodgeball?
They don't really seem to care.
A strong explanation should mention what in order to help analyze the quote's meaning?
Specific word choices from the quote itself.
the purist essence of form of something; the most perfect example.
a) benevolent
b) quintessence
"Then Sir Arthur Conan Dyle heard about the pictures and he said that he believes they were real in an article in a magazine. . . and this shows that sometimes people want to be stupid and they do not want to know the truth."
Christopher talking about the Cottington Fairies Hoax, but also talking about the idea that people need to believe things even if they aren't true. Is he ever like this?
What are Christopher's ideal jobs and why?
astronaut, deep sea submarine controller (both allow him to be alone)
In "Little Brother," what does the boy do when his little brother breaks his fire engine?
He "turns him off" and hides him under the sofa.
How should you end your body paragraph?
By tying it back to your main point.
to examine closely
a) scrutinize
b) averse
Virtually everybody seems to sense that a mugger wouldn’t be warbling bright, sunny selections from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. It is my equivalent of the cowbell that hikers wear when they know they are in bear country.
Brent Staples' editorial.
Give one reason we should like Christopher's mother and one reason we shouldn't.
(variety of answers)