the cause of Hypothermia
what is exposure to the cold
What frostbite is caused by
what is being exposed to the cold
A way to prevent winter emergencies
what are coats, multiple layers, sweaters, blankets, hand warmers, or any other answer deemed correct by the judge that PREVENTS, and doesn't ONLY HEAL a winter emergency
Something necessary to any activity outdoors that is accessible quickly in case of an emergency
What is a first-aid kit
The first thing you should do if you find someone who is shivering uncontrollably and showing signs of severe cold exposure
What is get them to a warm environment
treatment of Hypothermia
what is slowly warming the victim up
body parts that are easily susceptible to frost bite
what are feet, hands, nose, cartilidge, toes, or fingers
This type of fabric is recommended for the base layer to help manage moisture and keep you warm
What is moisture wicking material like Merino wool or synthetic fabric
Something useful to keep yourself warm outside, often when camping
What are hand warmers, matches, lighters, or other fire starters
These are the players you should remove if someone is showing signs of hypothermia
What are wet clothing layers
what is Snowball fights, outdoor games, sledding, skiing, ice fishing, snowboarding, etc. (other answers may be accepted by the judge)
This is a critical step in rewarming frostbitten tissue
What is immersing the affected area in WARM water
This practice can prevent hypothermia when participating in winter sports or activities
What is taking regular breaks to warm up indoors or in a sheltered area
You should pack this type of appointment to treat minor frostbite and prevent infection.
What is antibiotic ointment
This item commonly found in every home, can be used to cover someone to help retain their body heat in a cold emergency
What is a blanket or a sleeping bag
something you don't do when warming up from Hypothermia
You should avoid doing this to frostbitten skin to prevent further damage
What is massaging or rubbing the affected area
This habit can help maintain your body's heat and energy levels during extended exposure to the cold
What is staying hydrated and eating high energy food
This item helps you stay hydrated and can be crucial in preventing hypothermia
What is an insulated water bottle or thermos
Should avoid giving this to someone with frostbite, as it can cause complications
What is caffeine or alcohol
scientifically, the cause of hypothermia
What is being exothermic (only exothermic counts)
What is the first sign of frostbite you may notice on your skin
What is redness or pain in the skin
To avoid getting stranded or lost in the snowy conditions you should always inform someone about this before heading out
What is your planned route and expected return time
This small device can be a lifesaver in avalanches by helping rescuers locate you
What is an avalanche transceiver or beacon
To rewarm the fingers of a person with mild frostbite, you should use this body part of a warmer person
What are armpits