Red Bear
Turquoise Eagle
White Rabbit
Blue Deer
Silver Buffalo
Name the three other bird characters in the story, "Raven Goes Berry Picking."
The other birds are Gull, Cormorant, and Puffin.
How many shoes or moccasins are used to play the Shoe Game?
Four shoes or moccasins
How do Navajo people tell when traditional Winter starts? [a.] They check the calendar [b.] The first snow fall [c.] They begin gathering wood
[b.] The first snow fall
In the story, "Raven Goes Berry Picking," describe what a dugout is.
A dugout is a canoe.
Why can't Navajo children play string games during the summer?
Out of respect to Spider Woman, string games should not be played during the summer. Spider Woman makes her webs during the summer.
Who gave the String Games to the Navajo people? [a] Spider Lady [b] Spider Man [c] Spider Woman
[c] Spider Woman
What is given to the person who finds the Yucca ball in the shoe or moccasin?
Yucca sticks
There were three things the birds gathered during the story. What were they?
They gathered oysters, sardines, and berries.
Which bird in the story did not like to do any work in gathering food?
It was the Raven.
Which bird call Raven a "Trickster!"
It was Puffin and also Gull.
Define gluttony.
It is when someone eats and eats and does not stop even if they are full.
What was described as "round and tight as a drum"?
Raven's belly. It is because she keeps eating everything.
In the Shoe Game story where the Night Animals play against the Day Animals, why were they playing? What were they trying to decide?
The Animals were playing the Shoe Game. The Day Animals wanted it to be Day all the time and the Night Animals wanted it to be Night all the time. The game was to decide whether it would always be day or always be night.
What signals Navajo people that Winter is over?
The first thunder heard
What Night Animal tried to keep Coyote from going back to the Day Team?
The Bear
How does playing the Shoe Game help the Navajo People?
Possible answers: (1) they get to visit one another (2) they get to laugh with one another (3) they teach the children how to socialize (4) they meet new relatives
True or False At the end of the story Raven learned her lesson and her friends gave her another chance.
False. Even though Raven completed all the chores she tried to avoid the first time, the birds believed that they could never really trust Raven again.
How does playing String Games help Navajo children? Name two things they learn...
Possible answers: (1)They learn patience, (2)dedication (don't give up), (3)how to talk with their elders, (4)they learn traditional stories, (5)they can exercise their mind, (6)they can develop a good memory, ...
What was the lesson the Animals learned after playing the Shoe Game all night?
The game was tied and nobody was the Day and Night should not be changed. They should not try to change the rhythm of nature.
The last thing Raven says at the end of the story... "Nobody _____ me. Nobody _____ me at all." What is the missing word?
What lesson did you learn from the story "Raven Goes Berry Picking?"
The Lesson: If you keep fooling people, they will never ever trust you again. You will have no friends and become lonely.
What Day Animal tried to keep Coyote from going to the Night Team?
The Rabbit
Who is the author of "Raven Goes Berry Picking"?
Anne Cameron
What two animals cheated during the Shoe Game?
The Beaver and the Owl
At the end of the story, what where the four things Raven had to do to make up for all the tricks she played on Gull, Cormorant, and Puffin.
Raven had to (1) paddle the dugout (2) go over the side for oysters (3) catch sardines (4) fill the baskets with berries