When was Christmas declared a national holiday?
1870, 150 years ago.
How many days of Kwanzaa are there?
Seven, one for each principle.
How many deer pull the Santa sleigh?
Nine (including Rudolph)
What is the highest grossing Christmas movie?
Home Alone
How to say "Merry Christmas" in Spanish?
Feliz Navidad.
What year was Kwanzaa created?
Do more Americans get real or artificial trees?
What are you supposed to do under a mistletoe?
First brand to use Santa in its advertising.
Coca Cola
What is the origin of the term "X-mas"?
Invented by the Greeks in the 16th century ("Christos" in Greek begins with the letter "X")
What does the word "Hanukkah" mean?
Who was the first U.S. president to recognize Hanukkah in the White House?
What is the meaning of Faith in Kwanzaa?
Belief in our people, parents, teachers, leaders, righteousness of our struggle
True or false: The song "Jingle Bells" was written specifically for Christmas.
False. It was written for Thanksgiving
Which is more popular for shopping: Black Friday or Cyber Monday?
Black Friday
Which three colors are used in Kwanzaa?
Black (people), red (struggle), green (land of Africa).
What led to the creation of the Kwanzaa holiday?
Race uprising in LA.
True or False: Christmas originally began as a 'pagan' holiday
In what state will you find a town named Christmas?
In which country does a Witch rather than Santa drop gifts through the chimney?
Why do Japanese people eat long noodles on New Year's eve?
To cross over from old to new year (Omisoka holiday)
How much money do Americans spend on holiday gifts?
On average, $1,000 per person
On what date is the Kwanzaa feast held?
December 31st
In which oceans are the Christmas Island(s) located?
Indian and Pacific
Who wrote A Christmas Carol?
Charles Dickens
What is the candle holder for Hanukkah called?
Unity, self-determination, collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, purpose, creativity, faith
Which country started the tradition of putting up a Christmas tree?
Finding a spider web on the Christmas tree is considered good luck in what country?
Germany, Poland, Ukraine
Which play was written by Shakespeare as a gift?
The Merry Wives of Windsor
What is one of the oldest winter solstice festival in North America?
Soyal, celebrated by the Hopi Native Americans
Why is Rudolph's nose red?
Parasitic infection
Why do Norwegians hide brooms on Christmas eve?
So that witches won't steal them
Which cookie cutter shape is the most popular?
The gingerbread man
Where is Santa originally from?