What is another name for horrible snow storm?
This is a popular Christmas song with bells.
What is Jingle Bells?
The holiday where you get presents from Santa.
What is Christmas?
An Olympic sport where you ride down a slope of snow with each foot on a different board.
What is skiing?
What color are the berries on MOST mistletoe plants?
This is a classic Christmas song that explains why you better watch out!.
What is Santa Claus is Comin' To Town?
A holiday celebrated on a Monday to honor the man who is known for his non-violent actions during the Civil Rights Movement. This holiday is celebrated in January.
What is Martin Luther King Day?
An Olympic sport where you ride down a slope of snow with your feet connected to a single board.
What is snowboarding?
Frosty the Snowman was a jolly soul with a corncob pipe and a button _________ and two eyes made out of coal.
This is a famous Christmas song describing a sad Christmas using a color. A _______ Christmas.
What is Blue Christmas?
The holiday on the last day of the year to celebrate the upcoming year.
What is New Years?
A holiday drink with eggs, cinnamon, and milk.
What is eggnog?
True or False
The snowmobile was invented by a 15-year-old boy in 1922.
This is a classic Christmas song wishing that it would snow for Christmas. A _______ (color) Christmas.
What is White Christmas?
Candy that is white with red stripes and flavored with peppermint.
What is a candy cane?
True or False
During winter hibernation freshwater turtles can live weeks without taking a breath.
The traditional Christmas dessert/cake, contains dried fruits and nuts.
What is fruit cake?