Mainroad will normally commence snow and ice removal on multi-lane roadways starting from this lane
What is the fast lane or Lane # 1?
Shed doors should be in this position when not in use
What is closed?
Identify hazards and controls on this document before performing a task
What is a FLHA/PSI?
Enter the shed from this side with your plow truck
What is the south side?
Brittany Rich has this job title
What is Road Manager?
Max time to bare pavement in a normal winter event
What is 3 hours?
Approval of winter materials should be done by this organization
What is Alberta Transportation or TEC (Transportation and Economic Corridors)
The driver/operator of a vehicle is responsible for doing this at the end of shift for the next driver/operator
What is cleaning inside and outside of vehicle?
Heads up! Plowing snow over this will generate a public complaint
What is a bridge deck, overpass?
Doing this action on the project in a vehicle without help usually ends up going bad
What is reversing?
Structure 1.4.2 & 1.4.4, 1.4.3, 1.4.1 & 1.4.6
What are Preferential bridge Decks?
Store de-icing materials should be kept on this type of surface
What is impermeable?
Ouch! Your head may hurt if you don't use this and come to a sudden stop
What is a seat belt?
Doing this every so often ensures you can be seen at night
What is cleaning off lights and beacons?
This color of delineator shows hazards on the road surface such as catch basins and curbs
What is a blue delineator?
Shoulders may have this much accumulated loose snow
what is 30mm?
Better removal of snow and ice prior to the application of de-icing chemicals reduces the use of this
What is salt?
Prohibited in all Mainroad Company vehicles and equipment as it is a work site
What is smoking?
Use this document that must be located inside a commercial vehicle to determine if it's safe to operate
What is Schedule 1?
Check the length of these periodically when plowing snow. Do it when stopped.
What is plow blade length?
Gore areas may have this amount of loose snow accumulated
what is 100 mm?
Avoid plowing snow and ice into these areas
What is sensitive habitat areas?
With lights, arrow boards, and beacons you can go through this color of traffic light
What is a green light?
This is defined as the travel lanes, and walkway/pathways being free of snow, packed snow, frost and ice.
What is Bare Pavement?
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) for SEST is this Class meaning 30,001 - 75,000 vehicles
What is AA?