What is the procedure for entering the classroom?
We line up outside the door by the bulletin board.
When Ms. Baumgart tells us to come in, we calmy enter the room.
We find our seat, sit down, and look at the board to see what we are supposed to do next.
What do I do if I have a question?
I raise my hand and wait to be called on.
What two things should you have with you in class every day?
A pencil or a pen and the book you are reading.
Where do I sign out to leave the room?
The Chromebook by Ms. Baumgart's desk.
When are okay times to go to our locker?
Before homeroom, before lunch, after lunch, and at the end of the day.
What is the procedure for exiting the classroom?
We stand up, gather our belongings, push in our chair, and wait to be dismissed.
How many voices should typically be heard in the room at the same time?
Where do I check grades, and how often should I check them?
I check grades on PowerSchool, and I should check them at least once a week.
Where can I find the date?
Either at the top of the whiteboard, on the digital clock, or on the fact board near Ms. Baumgart's desk.
What does it look like to successfully travel the hallway?
I am walking on the right side of the hallway. I am keeping my hands to myself. I am quiet.
What is the procedure for signing out?
We raise our hand to ask for permission.
We sign out using the Chromebook.
We go where we say we are going.
What three things should always be on the top of your paper?
Your first and last name.
The date.
What class you are in.
What do I do if I am absent from school?
I check Google Classroom to see what Ms. Baumgart posted, and complete it if I am able to.
How can I figure out when class ends independently?
I can look at the schedule times posted on the right of the board and then use either the digital clock by the whiteboard or the analogue clock near the fire alarm.
What should my behavior be like in the cafeteria? How do I enter and leave?
I should pick one seat and stay at that seat for the entire lunch. If I need to leave, I should raise my hand and ask permission. When leaving, I sign out.
When I enter, I go to my table, sit down, and wait to be called to get a lunch. When leaving, I am quiet, my area is clean, and I wait for my table to be dismissed.
When is it okay to throw things out?
During independent time, or at the end of class.
NOT during instructional time.
I forgot a pencil! What should I do?
I should ask someone sitting near me and if they do not have one, I should ask Ms. Baumgart BEFORE I am supposed to be writing.
What should I do if I complete an assignment past the due date?
Make sure to give it to Ms. Baumgart if it is physical! If digital, make sure to email her and let her know what assignment was completed.
What does it look like to be a successful peer in the classroom?
I am facing forward. My chair is pushed in so my legs are under my desk. I am not talking to the people sitting near me.
What does dismissal time look like?
I calmly leave the room, go to my locker to get my things, and exit the building.
When is it okay to get up and talk to a peer?
Basically never, except for when Ms. Baumgart tells us to physically move to talk to someone.
When is it okay to sharpen my pencil?
During independent time, at the start of class, or when Ms. Baumgart says "now is a good time to sharpen your pencil."
When are progress reports for trimester 2?
January 17
What was the fact of the day yesterday?
Yesterday was National Science Fiction Day. The fact of the day was that Frankenstein is considered to be the first Science Fiction novel.
What does it look like to first enter the building?
I enter by calmly walking. If I want breakfast, I go there first. Otherwise, I go to my locker, get my things for the first four classes, and go straight to homeroom. I do not wander the building.