The second book of the bible
What does it mean to be born of water?
To be baptized in Jesus name.
Who struggles to do the right thing?
Caleb or Joshua
On the first day God created?
Day and Night
The shortest book of the bible.
What does it mean to be born of the spirit?
To be filled with the Holy Ghost
Will God forgive us if we sin, even after we are baptized?
What did God tell the people to do once a day?
March around the city once a day for six days.
On the second day God created
The longest book of the bible.
What did Jesus tell Nicodemus?
You must be born of water and the Spirit to enter the Kingdom of God.
What book can we read to be an overcomer?
The bible
After the people marched around the city seven times on the seventh day, what did they do?
They below their horns and shouted.
On the third day God created
Land and plants
The book of the bible that talks about tithes and offerings.
What 4 things must you do to be saved?
Holy Ghost
Live Holy
What is a way we can seek after God's spirit?
Prayer, Reading Our Bible, Attending Church
What happened to the walls of Jericho?
They fell down.
On the sixth day God created
This book is named after a woman that left her home to follow her mother in law to serve the true God.
What was Paul's name before it was changed by God?
How can we have victory over sin?
What was the name of the woman who helped the spies?
On the 7th day what did God do?