How often do we bring our homework back to school?
True or false: We make sure to pick up all trash on our floor before we leave the room
What do I need to do if I have a question for the teacher?
Raise my hand
Can I play games on my computer during class or morning work time?
What should my desk look like?
Your desk should ONLY have your textbook and your bin/computer
Do I have to finish step one on the to-do list?
Yes, or complete as much as you can
Spare pencils should be put in the...?
Pencil dispenser
What is our class bathroom sign?
Closed fist
What do I do if my computer is broken?
Raise my hand and let Ms. Wagner know
What should my locker look like?
Clean and organized, with your bin and computer nicely put away
Where does completed work or missed homework/papers go?
Turn in bin
Where do clipboard go when we are finished with them?
In the bin on the bookshelf
How do we walk in the hallway?
Straight, quiet line, number order, no touching lockers or anything else in the hallway
What is the consequence for being on incorrect apps?
Contact home
What should my textbook look like?
It should be nicely in your desk with no ripped out pages
What happens if I miss something while in band?
Ask Ms. Wagner or someone around me what I missed
How should our books look when we return them to the classroom library?
Spine facing out, not bent or sitting on other books
I can talk during class at what times?
After raising hand
With a partner or group at group work times
At the back table
Where does your computer go during class time
Nicely in your desk
What should my novel look like AND when should it come to class?
It should come to class everyday and should be treated nicely with no pages or cover missing
Where can I find re-dos, and do I have to ask the teacher for one?
In the re-do folder in the front of the room, and you do not have to ask as long as you are grabbing it during independent work or homeroom time
Packets of anchor charts go where before you leave class?
On the hook
What are some of our recess rules?
Hands to yourself
Being kind and thoughtful
Telling a teacher if something is wrong
What should I do with my computer every night?
Charge it
What should I bring to class everyday?
Charger (if needed)