The main weather in winter is
snow storms
In the spring flowers typically g____ and b______
grow and blossom
Winter is typically know that the c_______ s________.
Coldest Season
Not too cold, not too hot. Warm.
Winter and spring are both considered one of the four:
different seasons
What holidays are celebrated in the winter?
Christmas, Hanukkah, New Years, Valentine's Day
What holidays are celebrated in the Spring?
Easter, Ramadan, Mother's Day, Father's Day
Trees in the winter typically.....
lose their leaves
Trees in the spring typically:
grow their leaves
The weather from winter to spring typically changes from:
cold to warmer, snow to rain
Three things you can wear in the winter are:
hat, gloves, scarf, winter coat, boots
Three things you can wear in the spring are...
short sleeves, rain gear, sandals, shorts, capris, light jacket
Three types of winter weather could be:
Snowy, Frosty, cold, rainy, foggy, windy
Three types of weather for spring can be:
Sunny, Cloudy, Rainy, Windy, Gloomy
Who predicts if there is going to be a longer winter or sooner spring?
The groundhog
Four winter activities are:
sledding, making a snowman, ice skating, snowball fight, making a snow angel
Four spring activities are:
picnic, planting flowers, going on walks, flying kite, bike riding, going to playground
If the weather is bad in the morning, schools may have a 2 hour.... d_________ o_______.
delayed opening
What sports can be played in the spring?
Lacrosse, Baseball, softball, golf
How do you dress in the winter vs. the spring?
Less layers, lighter clothes
A snow storm that may not allow people to go to work/ school is a: b______
When does spring end?
June 20th
What happens when it becomes below freezing, water changes to
Ice, snow
Finish the saying: April showers, bring May f_______.
The first day of winter is _______ and the last day of winter is ________.
1. December 21st
2. Beginning of March