What is the name of the white haired man who rides on a sleigh ?
Santa 🎅🏽
This is something you make out of 3 snowballs, coal, buttons, carrot and a hat.
What flavor are Candy Canes?
You wear this to keep your hands warm.
This animal helps pull Santa's sleigh.
They are very short and they help Santa and they have pointy ears.
What winter activity involves sliding on the ice wearing special shoes that have blades?
Ice skating
What is popularly used for a snowman's nose?
You wear this to keep your head warm.
This bear is white and lives in the coldest temperatures.
Polar Bear
This is biscuit or cookie made of gingerbread, usually in the shape of a stylized human. It is ?
The gingerbread man
If you lay in the snow and move your arms and legs up and down, you will be making a ______ _______.
Snow Angel
This is a popular drink for children after a cold day in the snow.
Hot Cocoa
Something you wear to keep your ears warm.
Ear muffs
What winter animal looks like it is wearing a tuxedo?
He is the green man who stole Christmas. He hates Christmas the most and lives on top of a hill in a small town.
The Grinch
This winter activity involves pulling something up a hill, then sitting on it and sliding down the hill.
What is a sledding?
This bakery item is used to build miniature houses.
What is gingerbread?
You wear this to keep your upper body warm.
What is it called when an animal sleeps all winter long and wakes up in the spring?
This character stole Christmas after kidnapping Santa from his own realm.
Jack Skellington
What is the winter sport played on ice with skates and an angled wooden stick?
Over 1.76 billion of these candies are made every year for the holidays.
Candy Canes
You wear this to keep your lower body warm as you do winter activities.
Snow pants
An artic fox is this color in order to hide from its predators.