More people die in winter than summer
False around 5 million people die in summer each year
What percentage of Earth's surface is covered by snow either permanently or temporarily each year?
What percent of people have seasonal depression
What year was the first Winter Olympics held?
Snow will freeze at 32 degrees Fahrenheit
True snow freezes at 32 degrees Fahrenheit
How many times does the winter solstice happen each year?
2 times a year
29.9 million
Where does fondue originate from?
More than 2 million tons of salt are used on U.S. roads each year
False there are 22 million tons of sand used on the U.S. roads each year
What is the name of the northern lights, a natural light display in Earth's sky, predominantly seen in the polar regions?
Aurora Borealis
How much hot cocoa is produced each year?
1.54 million metric tons
Where can you find the Winter Festival Of Lights?
Niagara Falls, Canada
When it is winter in the US it is summer in Oceania
This is true due to the different hemispheres
What are the three major cities (with populations greater than 100,000) that get the most snowfall on Earth are all in what country?
How many people die from too much sun exhaustion?
Which country is the only one to have won a medal at every Olympic Winter Games?
United States
In the summer people are more happy
False the colder you are the more dopamine you have making you happier
In the Southern Hemisphere, when does winter take place?
June to august
How many people are killed by Humble mosquitoes each year?
Which animal’s fur turns white in winter?
Arctic foxes