What do people decorate to put Christmas presents under?
Christmas Tree
What is the winter treat that everyone likes to cut out, bake and decorate?
Sugar (or Christmas) Cookies
These objects are banned from Ben Rush but are often fun to throw at your friends.
During what Jewish holiday do you light a menorah?
Hanukkah Bonus 100 points if you can name how many candles a menorah holds.
What is the hot chocolaty drink that we have during the cold months?
Hot cocoa Bonus 300 points if you can name another holiday drink that you serve cold. (Most kids don't really like this drink)
What is the special top you play with during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah?
Run, run, run, as fast as you can! Can't catch me! I'm the __________________!
Gingerbread Man
On what date does Winter start?
December 21st Bonus: What is the name of this event called?
Can you name a treat that is eaten during Hanukkah?
Latke (potato pancake) or Sufganyiot (jelly donut)
These are the type of days when weather is so cold or conditions unsafe that there is no school.
Snow Day
What is the winter treat that is shaped like a Shepherd's hook?
Candy Cane