A Chicago baseball team or the young of a bear or lion…
Bliss to Earth
Peace on Earth
Name of both Handrew’s cats
Harvey and Bailey
Victory over something…
“Beat It”
Family of four works together to stop a villain…
“The Incredibles”
Another name for young humans and baby goats (not child)
The Premier French Christmas
The First Noel
Drew can have ice cream but it has to be free of something…
Dairy Free
All of us feel like controlling everything
“Everybody Wants to Rule the World”
A woman wants to meet other people but is physically seperated from them…
“The Little Mermaid”
Part of a leg and what you call a baby deer or cow
Noiseless Evening
Silent Night
Hannah hates this football team
Violet colored water falling down
“Purple Rain”
Two friends make a funny, dangerous journey to rescue a princess…
“Shrek 1”
A name for a human male and the word for a baby kangaroo
The dozen 24 hour days before the 25th of December
12 Days of Christmas
Drew’s favorite thing to buy…
Earth and movement (not a song but type of music)
‘Rock and Roll’
A large group of personalities who can vanish or stop moving before others can see them…
“Toy Story”
A baby goose or the last name of the famous actor who starred in “La La Land”
Hey! Show up everyone who is dependable!
Oh, Come All Ye Faithful
Hannah’s middle name (rhymes with “hey”)
Feel like moving around with someone else..
“I Wanna Dance With Somebody”
A man from one side of the world meets and falls in love with a woman from the other side of the world (she loves colors)…