What color is snow?
It's actually translucent, not white
What time does 2025 officially start?
12:00 AM
What's the date of Christmas Day?
December 25th
What animal helps santa deliver presents?
What food does santa eat on Christmas Eve?
Which state in the US gets the most snow?
Where does the Ball Drop take place?
New York
Where does Santa live?
The North Pole
How many reindeer does Santas have?
9 reindeer
What is the world's top winter themed food?
March 22nd
What is the most common New Years resolution?
Save more money (21%)
How many days of Hanukkah are there?
Can you name all of Santa's reindeer?
Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid, Donner, Blitzen, and Rudolph.
Whats the most popular Christmas candy?
Candy Canes
Which day does winter officially begin?
December 21st
How long has New Year's been celebrated for?
Why is Christmas celebrated?
Christmas is celebrated to remember the birth of Baby Jesus
What do bears do during the winter?
They Hibernate (sleep for 4-7 months)
How many Candy Canes are bought every year in the US?
What is Connecticut's average snowfall in inches?
27 In.
Which country begins the New Year first?
Kitibiti, an island in the Pacific Ocean
Other than Christmas and Hanukkah, what other holiday is there?
Which animal turns white in the winter, and turns brown in teh summer?
An Artic Fox
When does Starbucks holiday, Christmas menu begin?
November 7th