Rosa Parks made her bus protest in which US state?
How did Julius Caesar die?
In which country was pottery invented?
Who was the first person to sign the Declaration of Independence?
John Hancock
What codename was given to the Allied invasion of Sicily in 1943?
Operation Husky
Which ancient civilization invented papyrus?
Which 11th-century Scottish king is the subject of a Shakespeare play?
King Macbeth, who ruled Scotland in the 11th century.
During which war did the Battle of Hexham take place?
War of the Roses
The ancient Romans built 'aqueducts' to carry what?
Queen Victoria's husband came from which European country?
Prince Albert was from Germany
What is the term for a military maneuver in which troops surround and isolate an enemy position to cut off their supplies and force surrender?
Which philosopher was Aristotle a student of?
The British surrendered to Washington at Yorktown in which state?
Yorktown, Virginia on October 19, 1781
In which war were submarines first used?
American Civil War
In the Middle Ages, women would give thyme to warriors for what?