
What are our main objectives/optimizations for Upper Funnel support?

Traffic objective optimized towards Landing Page Views!

Reach/Awareness optimized towards Impressions!


What is the definition of a WCA?

Website Custom Audience: A pool of users who have visited the initial subpages of the AT&T website (that falls within Lead/Search events)


What are the two ways someone can be retargeted into LF from an UF or MF ad?



What is the difference between 1P vs. 2P vs. 3P?

1P: From Jeff Woo, direct customer lists from AT&T

2P: Platform-derived audiences (ex. interests)

3P: Third-party audiences such as Oracle


Why is UF Traffic important to include in a FF campaign?

This allows for the broadest ability to fill retargeting pools for LF in comparison to MF!


What is our main objective/optimization for Mid Funnel Prospecting?

Conversions objective optimized towards Add to Cart!


What is the definition of a buyflow entry?

Buyflow Entry: When a user reaches specific subpages of the AT&T website (falling within View Content/Add to Cart) and is either configuring a new device/plan or adding to their cart


How do you support Apple within DPA?

Due to Apple guidelines, must use a "dummy" phone image with generic messaging that does not directly call out the brand.


What part of the funnel do we leverage 3P lifestyle/behavior audiences (ex. Oracle)?



How many pixels do we leverage on each social platform?

ONE per platform!


What are our two main objectives/optimizations for Lower Funnel Retargeting?

1) Conversions objective, optimized towards Purchase! (non-DPA!)

2) Catalog Sales objective, optimized towards Purchase! (DPA!)


What is a DPA catalog?

Dynamic Product Catalog: Hub of all active, live products on AT&T website that can be served to consumers who have previously expressed interest through retargeting efforts


What are the 3 pixel-based and 3 platform-based events we can leverage for overall retargeting?

Pixel-Based: Site Visit, Buyflow Entry, Purchase

Platform-Based: Impression, Engagement, Video View


Which site action exclusions do you leverage in a LAL or DPA AE audience?

ALL! As an OR statement!


How do we differentiate audiences between UF and MF?

UF: More broad and generic to drive basic awareness/traffic

MF: More targeted based on messaging relevance to qualified users/likely to take action on site


What is the one way someone can be retargeted into MF from a UF ad?

Video view retargeting!


What is a bounce rate and what is the standard % seen for site traffic on FB?

Bounce rate: Percentage of users who "bounce" or abandon a site before fully loading and/or moving beyond the initial page

Standard FB %: 53%!


How does DPA retargeting work?

Dynamically serve product image ads (from FB Product Catalog) to users who have previously taken action/expressed interest in those products on your website (viewed SKU product page or added to cart)


What can you create a LAL audience against and how is 1-10% ranges defined?

LAL can be created against ALL types of actions including Lead, Search, PageView, Add to Cart, and Purchase.

1% = smaller scale, highest quality

10% = larger scale, lowest quality


What is a split-cell test and what variables are available to evaluate?

A test that allows you to A/B test different variables of a campaign at equal budget levels, while leaving all other parameters constant for a true apples-to-apples comparison

Variables: Audience, delivery optimization, creative, placement type, product set


What ad formats work best for each stage of the funnel and why?

UF: Video-first, Canvas, Collection, Carousel

MF: Video/Static, Carousel

LF: Static


How do you categorize the Lead, Search, View Content, and Add to Cart events within WCA and DPA?

Lead: Initial site visit of page not displaying a product catalog or device

Search: Initial site visit of page displaying a product catalog or multiple devices

View Content: Deeper site visit of page displaying a single device / SKU

Add to Cart: Deeper site visit of page displaying plan/device configuration


What are the 5 standard events we can leverage on FB for retargeting?

Lead, Search, View Content, Add to Cart, Purchase!


What is the difference between DPA AE and LAL?

DPA AE: Dynamically serve relevant product image ads (from FB Product Catalog) to prospective customers even if they haven’t visited your website / viewed the products you offer and is very broad, large-scale sizing

LAL: Audiences that have similar attributes to users who have already taken an action on your website (ex. Site Visit, Add to Cart, Purchase), yet is less broad, smaller-scale sizing


What are the pros and cons to using a native/platform Brand Lift Study vs. a third-party Brand Lift Study?

Native/Platform: Generally lower budget minimums + quick turnaround for results, however the results are more subjective, as they are graded in a silo for that platform and viewed as "grading your own homework"

Third-Party: Higher budget minimums + longer turnaround time for results, however provides a more objective foundation for evaluating performance (and can compare apples to apples against two platforms)
