What animal was most popular during the fur trade?
The Beaver
What was the most popular material mined for in Wisconsin?
What is the official capital of Wisconsin?
Where did people go to when trading goods?
TradING post
What tool did miners use?
Pick axe
How did they transport timber to make it easier and more efficient?
Through the waterways.
What is a territory?
An area of land that belongs to the United States, but is not a state.
What is "tanning"?
Making leather from animal hides.
French and Indians
Why was mining dangerous?
cave-ins, loss of air (air supply), explosions
Where did the loggers live while they were working?
In the woods in a cabin they built called logging camps.
What event drew many settlers into the Wisconsin territory?
The Lead Rush
What form of transportation grew during the industrial era?
What is a pelt?
Animal skins with fur still on them.
Why is Wisconsin called the "badger state"?
Because miners and their families dug and lived in caves and dens in the side of bluffs because they did not have time to build homes.
What were trees made into? Name one.
-lumber for building
Before Wisconsin became a territory, it was part of ___________ territory.
Where were most of the immigrants from, who played a big role in the industrial era?
-Men were away from their families for a long amount of time.
-Women took on more work/roles
-They received tools to help them accomplish tasks more efficiently
What was lead used for?
Toys, paint, shot for guns, weights, water pipes.
What was the job of the "skybird"?
The person who rode on top of the pile of logs. His job was to make sure the pile didn't fall apart during the trip to the river.
What had to happen for Wisconsin to become a state?
2. citizens have to write a constitution
3. congress has to approve statehood
Why was it important for big cities to be near water?
To transport goods by boat (shipping hub).